基本参数 最大输出功率 1000W以上 声道数 7.1 频率响应 5Hz-100kHz/+1dB,-3dB 其他参数 产品尺寸 435×364×171mm 重量(Kg) 10.2kg 其他功能 RX-V673蕴含了雅马哈最新的独家技术,包括HDMI兼容4K通过,提升至4K高清成像,兼容AirPlay; 点击 对比 ...
【整体外观】最全最清晰的雅马哈RX-V673 数字7·1声道AV功放整体外观,更多的雅马哈RX-V673 数字7·1声道AV功放整体外观片欣赏下载,尽在YESKY天极产品库
Ymaha RX-V673 Yamana’s newly styled remote is overcrowded, but the AV controller app works well. Icons are well organised, with all inputs at your fingertips on one screen. Volume controls are responsive to your commands; press the screen and the numbers rise or fall smoothly. The placem...
雅马哈RX-V673 数字7·1声道AV功放采用YPAO反射声音控制(R.S.C),对白提升、对白调整用于完美清晰对白和声乐部分,ECO模式展现雅马哈独家技术。 雅马哈RX-V673 数字7·1声道AV功放 主要参数 声道数:7.1 查看全部参数 雅马哈RX-V673 数字7·1声道AV功放 精彩点评 ...
Yamaha雅马哈 RX-V773RX-V673 软件说明书.pdf,English Information about software This product uses the following free software. For information (copyright, etc) about each software, read the original sentences stated below. ■ About ASN.1 object dumping cod
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作者: V Munoz 摘要: Receiver connects to the network fine and streams music from local PCs. However when streaming from the internet for internet radio or Pandora it streams for 30-90 seconds then drops out. The receiver is still connected to the internet, if the connection......