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Chemglass CG-1949-X-300 CHEMRXNHUB系统,300ML夹套实验室反应器-JLR 新的 ChemRxnHub™ 工艺系统配有台式支架、顶部搅拌器和玻璃器皿。提供可选的歧管连接和传热流体排放系统。ChemRxnHub™ 支撑架和夹紧系统的独…… Chemglass,代理品牌,进口仪器2025-02-18 ...
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cd ChemRxnExtractor pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -e . Download Trained Models Download the trained models:cre_models_v0.1.tgz, and extract to the current directory: tar zxvf cre_models_v0.1.tgz Usage Using RxnExtractor in your code: ...
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