import{Observable}from'rxjs/Observable';import'rxjs/add/operator/of';// source$就是一个 Observable 对象,作为发布者,它产生的“事件”就是连续的三个整数constsource$=Observable.of(1,2,3);// 扮演观察者的是 console.log 函数,不管传入什么“事件”,它只管把“事件”输出到 console 上source$.subscribe...
将会抛出超时错误 catchError(err => of(`Error: ${err}`)) // 捕获错误并返回一个新的 Obse...
log(value)); 或者说你想要过滤出特别的值,你可以使用 filter: // import the from operator import { of } from 'rxjs'; import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; const dataSource = from(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // subscribe to our source observable const subscription = dataSource ...
constmyObservable=Observable.of(1,2,3);// Create observer objectconstmyObserver={next:x=>console.log('Observer got a next value: '+x),error:err=>console.error('Observer got an error: '+err),complete:()=>console.log('Observer got a complete notification'),};// Execute with the observ...
// 创建简单的可观察对象,来发送3个值constmyObservable=of(1,2,3);// 创建观察者对象constmyObserver={next:x=>console.log('Observer got a next value: '+x),error:err=>console.error('Observer got an error: '+err),complete:()=>console.log('Observer got a complete notification'),};// ...
常用的创建 opratros 包括 of,from 和 fromEvent。 组合operators 组合operators 允许连接来自多个 observables 的信息。发出的值的顺序,时间或者结构是这些 operators 主要的差别。举个例子,我们可以组合订阅来自多个数据源的更新来进行计算: // give me the last emitted value from each source, whenever either so...
RxJS Stateful Observables What do I mean by stateful observables? First, these observables have the notion of a current value. Specifically, subscribers will get values synchronously, even before the next line of code is run: // Assume name$ has current value "Fred" console.log("Before subs...
isDone =true})constnext= () => ({done: isDone,value: isDone ?null: current })return{ next } } 这样(仅供表意的实现版本,并没有经过严格验证,请勿直接用于实际项目中),我们就能够通过 for…of 循环的方式来使用: for(letitemPromiseofsomeObservable) {letitem =awaititemPromise// do some thing wit...
const select$ = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(query('.sortTypes'), 'change')复制代码 1. 点击按钮生成随机数组并渲染echart图表很显然就用到map和do这两个operator createNumber$ .map(e => { return numberCreator() }) .do(nums => { const option = getOption(nums) ...
Does any one have a working example of how to update data, labels and colours dynamically on a ng2-chart using Observables? I am basically trying to created a shared Chart module/component to be used by other components. But I want to be able to update the data and labels of the char...