All three fans come to a standstill when GPU temps are below 55 Celsius, letting you play less-demanding games or perform light tasks in relative silence. It’s always a one-two combo for ASUS in the PC components space as the brand has successfully entrenched itself into the Si...
Especially if they use high resolution 4K UHD or occasionally also ray tracing in games. The graphics card has a really powerful cooling system with three fans. Se alt Video-anmeldelser The numbers don't lie, the TUF Gaming RX 7900 XT is a great GPU even at 4K gaming The A...
Built on the future-proof Polaris architecture, the NITRO Gaming Series Graphics Cards+ play games at a smooth 1080p and beyond. VR Friendly The SAPPHIRE NITRO Gaming Series cards come with Dual HDMI ports, specifically designed to work with VR. ...
AMD Radeon™ RX 7000 系列顯示卡是全球首款採用AMD RDNA™ 3 小晶片技術的遊戲GPU,可在4K及更高設定下體驗前所未有的效能、視覺效果和效率。藉由AMD Radiance Display™ Engine精準的色彩精準度,讓您沉浸在令人驚豔的視覺效果中,使用AMD FidelityFX™超級解析度
Epic Games sign inGoogle 登录Steam 登录 Night Raid 有效的结果 分数 16 116 和 AMD Radeon RX Vega 7 (Ryzen 4000)(1x) 和AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G 显卡分数 17 488 CPU 分数 11 157 添加以比较 Show Result Details 运行详细信息 运行3DMark 的其他结果 Better than 26% of all results ...
Built on the future-proof Polaris architecture, the NITRO Gaming Series Graphics Cards+ play games at a smooth 1080p and beyond. VR Friendly The SAPPHIRE NITRO Gaming Series cards come with Dual HDMI ports, specifically designed to work with VR. Cooling Innovative cooling technologies to ensure ...
机核从2010年开始一直致力于分享游戏玩家的生活,以及深入探讨游戏相关的文化。我们开发原创的播客以及视频节目,一直在不断寻找民间高质量的内容创作者。 我们坚信游戏不止是游戏,游戏中包含的科学,文化,历史等各个层面的知识和故事,它们同时也会辐射到二次元甚至电影
Nexon Games公布了新作游戏《Project RX》的首张预告图片,游戏将以沉浸式叙事为基础,是一款尝试提供玩家与角色互动的二次元作品。其特色包括魅力十足的角色与生活等内容,并以虚幻5引擎制作高品质的 3D 画面,目标是呈现生动的世界观和角色。 《Project RX》于去年4 月作为特别工作组(TF)启动。随后,经过进一步细化,提...
1 546 410 DirectX 11 单线程 每秒图形调用数量 1 471 463 DirectX 12 每秒图形调用数量 14 158 988 Vulkan 每秒图形调用数量 12 839 111 添加以比较 运行详细信息 名称 描述 用户 Ziphonius 显卡 显卡 AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 (Ryzen 4000) 供应商 ...
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