10122494201 unicasts, 583 broadcasts, 769797 multicasts, 1876 pauses Input: 0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 CRC, 0 frame, - overruns, 0 aborts - ignored, - parity errors Output (total): 1303997321 packets, 1136303822302 bytes 995162096 unicasts, 226594436 broadcasts, 82240...
RF_cmdPropRxSniff.pQueue = &dataQueue; RF_cmdPropRxSniff.pOutput = (uint8_t*)&rxStatistics; RF_cmdPropRxSniff.maxPktLen = MAX_LENGTH; /* Discard ignored packets and CRC errors from Rx queue */ RF_cmdPropRxSniff.rxConf.bAutoFlushIgnored = 1; RF_cmdPropRxSniff.rxConf.bAutoFlush...
10122494201 unicasts, 583 broadcasts, 769797 multicasts, 1876 pauses Input: 0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 CRC, 0 frame, - overruns, 0 aborts - ignored, - parity errors Output (total): 1303997321 packets, 1136303822302 bytes 995162096 unicasts, 226594436 broadcasts, 82240...
if (likely(!(netdev->features & NETIF_F_RXFCS))) /* adjust length to remove Ethernet CRC, this must be * done after the TBI_ACCEPT workaround above */ length -= 4; if (buffer_info->rxbuf.data == NULL) skb_put(skb, length); else /* copybreak skb */ skb_trim(skb, length)...
(rx_error & 0x01) dev->stats.rx_over_errors++; if (rx_error & 0x02) dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; if (rx_error & 0x04) dev->stats.rx_frame_errors++; if (rx_error & 0x08) dev->stats.rx_crc_errors++; if (rx_error & 0x10) dev->stats.rx_length_errors++; } else { ...
Is that possible, given the CRC checking? I supposed a prolonged burp of corrupt data could break things. That potentially points to a whole new raft of hardware issues - EMS interface circuit, duff UART on ESP32... Author glitter-ball commented Oct 21, 2021 A few days back, I set ...
The number of CRC errors detected in Ethernet packets. etherInNoBuffers The number of time the Ethernet interface hardware could not receive packets because no buffers were available. etherInRunts The number of packets received on the Ethernet interface that were shorter then the shortest permitted ...
Also when there are errors in the stream, DT is also changed. In normal case, DT is 0xF, but in error case, DT is changed to 0x1F. Can you see check this? It seems there are ECC/CRC errors in the stream. Please confirm if you are seeing them in logs. ...
Counts the number of receive packets with CRC errors. In order for a packet to be counted in ...
Number of received packets with FCS errors. This register maintains a count of the number of pulses on thel<n>_rx_fcs_erroroutput signal (upper 32 bits) RO 0x906 CNTR_RX_CRCERR_LO Number of received frames with a frame of length at least 64, with CRC error (lower 32 bits) ...