我们在RX 6000系列上有一些相当可靠的漏洞,并且规格显然如下:基于Navi 21的Radeon RX 6900 XT将具有16GB的vRAM,而由Navi 22供电的GPU(可能称为RX 6800 XT或RX 6700 XT)将具有12 GB的vRAM。基本上,两层卡都将比RTX 3080拥有更多的内存。请记住,虽然已经或多或少地确认了GPU类型(Navi 21/22等)和vRAM配置,...
RX7600XT,TS预估11500,价格2099RX7600,TS预估9500,价格1599 显卡预测橘 PowerVR 10 当谈到 GPU 的性能时,Paul 认为 RX 7800 XT 的性能接近于 RX 6950 XT,而 RX 7700 XT 接近于 RX 6800。据称RX 7600 XT 的性能与 RX 6650 XT / 6700 XT 相当,而 RX 7600 的性能与 RX 6600 XT / 6650 XT 类似...
Let's pretend there are no architectural improvements and that 6700 isn't supposed to wield more CUs, shall we... Sovsefanden3070 is like 5% slower than 6800 non-XT at 1440pI'm sorry to bring these news to you, but thanks to that 16GB VRAM 6800 is quite a capable 4k GPU, oh...
I have an annoying and strange bug: after some time in Windows (browsing, emails and other normal things), the VRAM clock of my RX 6700XT shows 0 Mhz and the power consumption increases, sometimes to more than 20W (so the fans turn on after a while). Rarely it shows some clock ...
Hello Everyone, I have a problem with my AMD RX6700 XT. There is no out display, Windows cant recognise the drivers, and dont see the vrams. There is...
曾经的同代显卡,6500XT已完败于RTX3090 USG圣室号 PowerVR 10 笑死我了,3070直接脑洞超过6800可还行,是不是变成了660Ti完胜7950那个时代的错觉。3070Ti也就是勉勉强强和6800接近,还没持平。3070我就不知道什么时候能摸6800,也就是6700XT水平玩意。自己看看首发3070也不可能打6800。 beyand911 Vivante 7 让...
I very literally played Watchdogs 2 on my system (GTX 1060) the night before I installed my new AMD GPU (rx6700xt), Watchdogs 2 ran just fine on the GTX card. The only change I made, and when the problems with Watchdogs 2 started is when I installed an AMD GPU. Only WD2 won'...
Im sure that i could go higher than that with the amount of VRAM that this card has considering that the KDE resource monitor shows VRAM usage never reaching 7gb. In the screenshot it can be seen that the generation process goes to 100% but when it tries to output the image it spits ...
RX6000M系列目前包括旗舰RX6800M GPU(带40个计算单元和12GB视频内存)、RX6700M(带36 CU和10GB VRAM)和RX6600M(带28 CU和8GB VRAM)。这三款产品都支持硬件加速光线跟踪(DXR),并在GPU上分别提供96、80和32MB的无限缓存,以减少延迟。AMD声称RX6800M能够以120fps的速度进行 amd ryzen nvidia 3年前 AMD透露...
6700xt at 2800mhz / 2150mhz vram is very respectable its above 6750xt performance so no wonder 6800 isnt that much faster in your testing. Still, i would keep the 6800. Asus dual cooler isnt the best i've seen your hotspot temps its 20c higher than my red devil. Undying, M...