AMD's Radeon RX 6600 XT has a foot in two different worlds and it's none too easy on its feet. By Joel Hruska August 10, 2021 Share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Share on X (opens in a new window) Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (...
my 5700XT is fine. Basically every second AMD GPU I get has poor BIOS/drivers that never get fixed. If the next WHQL or Windows Roll-up does not fix this issue, I will try to mod BIOS to idle (minfreq) the GPU at 300Mhz, as I believe it is the idle to 0MHz that is the ...
If you can find an RX 6600 XT, it should start around the $239-mark. The entry-level RX 6500 XT and RX 6400 are finally under the $200-mark where they belong, with the RX 6500 XT going for $169, and the RX 6400 at $149. NVIDIA already debuted its RTX 40-series "Ada" ...
In Reddit AMAs following the RX 5700 series launch, corporate vice-president and manager for Radeon, Scott Herkelman, mentioned that all subsequent Radeon RX products by the company would ditch the lateral-blower design in favor of an axial multi-fan design that's characteristic of most partner-...
近日,一位网友在Reddit分享其发现Radeon RX 7900XTX显卡运行时的温度很高,在进行4K游戏等高负载场景之下,显卡温度很容易超过100摄氏度。该Reddit网友尝试以此为理由,向AMD官方提出了退货退款申 分享回复赞 linux吧 依呀✨ 为什么明明用eth0联网了,ifconfig里rx,tx都是0 难道还需要安装其他的什么嘛? 分享37赞 ...
AMD RADEON RX 6000系列 GPU支援可支援達 14款遊戲的光線追蹤效果,同時在遊戲顯示體驗技術部分 AMD RADEON Anti-Lag與 RADEON Boost也在 RADEON RX 6600支援 DX 12的 Motion Adaptive VRS 在滿足支持 FSR的遊戲的最低要求下,支援 FSR的顯卡與處理器有 RX480/470/460、RADEON RX Vega系列顯卡,以及所有配備 RADEO...
如果只是和自家的前代对比的话,RX 480的确是一款优 +7 分享1027 显卡吧 力帝数码 AMD RadeonRX6600 XT vs AMD Radeon RX 6600:性能和价格的平衡哈喽,吧友们 AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT是一款新近推出的显卡,它是AMD Radeon RX 6000系列的一员,是一款中高端显卡。这款显卡采用了AMD RDNA 2架构,具有7nm工艺,...
在OpenCL测试中,RX7900XTX跑分为228647分,比RTX4080跑分落后14% 大家可以留意一下6950XT的跑分,在先前AMD官方发布会中,曾官宣7900XTX在4K分辨率下,7950XTX比6950XT在很多游戏中快1.5倍,而在赛博朋克2077中达到了1.7倍 所以在OpenCL跑分表现很差,可能是由 21235532 显卡吧 CC5656666666 RX 7900 XT部分游戏性能反...
近日,一位网友在Reddit分享其发现Radeon RX 7900XTX显卡运行时的温度很高,在进行4K游戏等高负载场景之下,显卡温度很容易超过100摄氏度。该Reddit网友尝试以此为理由,向AMD官方提出了退货退款申 分享回复赞 电子制作吧 墙边的怪叔叔 如何运用TX–2B和RX–2B制作无线收发模块跪求大神指点迷津,自己自制了一个不知是否...
Build 1 Z490 Vision D | i7 10700K | Radeon RX 5700 XT OC 8GB Build 2 Z370 AORUS Gaming WIFI | i7 3770K | AORUS Radeon RX 580 Build 3 Other | AMD Ryzen9 3900X | AMD RX 6600 XT Eagle 8GB Graphics Card Jahwerx Joined Jun 28, 2016 Messages 19 Motherboard ...