在用570时候虽然画质一样,但是不会掉这么多,还有就是玩一些游戏甚至没有老显卡帧数高,我不知道是不是驱动的问题还是什么问题,有此显卡的可以回一下,是不是跟我类似的问题 分享6123 显卡吧 chacha12127 【茶茶】入门级小钢炮,AMD RX 6500XT 测试报告由于近几年挖矿等多重因素的叠加,整个市场的形态发生了根本性...
RX6650XT:迪兰X战将 3099 迪兰AMD RADEON RX 6650 XT 8G X战将 GDDR6 京东 ¥3099.00 去购买 迪兰AMD RADEON RX 6650 XT 8G X战将 GDDR6 京东 ¥3099.00 去购买 迪兰AMD RADEON RX 6650 XT 8G X战将 GDDR6 京东 ¥3099.00 去购买 RX6700XT:瀚铠合金版 3699 瀚铠AMD RadeonRX 6700XT 合金版12GB G...
近日,Redditor上有玩家展示了白色外观的公版RTX 4080,看样式应该是玩家自己喷漆所成,因为底下还有些漆不均匀,如此喷漆要是一不注意反而会造成显卡不可逆的伤害,对于颜值来说也并没有什么提升级,不建议个人如此。 3、影驰推出 RTX 4070 Ti 名人堂显卡 影驰官网现已公布 RTX 4070 Ti 名人堂显卡,包括 RTX 4070 ...
I have read in here : https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/dbqt93/amd_radeon_rx_5700_xt_video_scheduler_internal/ That a bios upgrade could maybe fix my issue but it's older hardware and i really don't want to try it because i can't brick my nephew's only computer.Right ...
XT显卡 根据近期AIC厂商向欧洲经济委员会提交了文件,显示RX7600XT除了早期技嘉提交过的10GB/12GB版本有一个显存更大的16GB版本。文件至少披露了将要推出两款型号:RX7600XTGAMINGOC16GB、RadeonRX7600XTGAMING16GB。RX7600XT可能会在1月24日发售,发售日期1月24日,届时不妨拭目以待。... 特别声明:本页面标签名称与...
除此之外,AMD的Reddit的用户发现Radeon RX 6500 XT提供了相同的TFLOPs,但编码/解码能力比2016年的Radeon RX 480都还来得少,后者的4GB版本也是以199美元的价格推出的,而且实际上是以这个价格出售的,这与目前这一代的卡不同。此外,一些运行非第4代平台的用户可能最终会遇到带宽瓶颈,因为PCIe接口只有x4通道,虽然这意...
People in the AMD subreddit are complaining because the card also has a small amount of memory (4GB) meaning it will have to make more calls to system memory than a card with more ram; therefore, the limit in pci express bandwidth will be felt more. They did provide an example of anot...
近日,一位网友在Reddit分享其发现Radeon RX 7900XTX显卡运行时的温度很高,在进行4K游戏等高负载场景之下,显卡温度很容易超过100摄氏度。该Reddit网友尝试以此为理由,向AMD官方提出了退货退款申 分享回复赞 linux吧 依呀✨ 为什么明明用eth0联网了,ifconfig里rx,tx都是0 难道还需要安装其他的什么嘛? 分享37赞 ...
10GB/12GB would be a better fit, save 8GB for the entry level 9050 if they release a lower SKU and don't gimp it's PCIe lanes like the 6400/6500 8GB for the 9060 is not confirmed, no. The 9070 series has been announced, with unofficial tests/specs o...
I just installed macOS Ventura on OC 0.8.5 and now I'm back to not having my Radeon RX 6900 XT being recognised, getting inverted/laggy OS + wrong card labeling in system info. I've dug through this thread for answers but no luck so far. I also have ID 73af and IGPU on my Desi...