Good day to you all! So here's what happened. Last october I built a Ryzen 5 2600X build on an A320M-K motherboard with an XFX RX 580 8 GB. It worked
AMD Graphics Card: XFX RX 580 8GB Desktop or Laptop System: Desktop Operating System: Windows 10 64bit Driver version installed: Radeon™ Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2 (tried with 20.8.3 too) Display Devices: Samsung S24R350 1920x1080 @75Hz HDMI connection Motherboard + Bios Revis...
本次测试的XFX Radeon RX 580使用了公版设计,超频方面使用了特制的水冷块从而确保显卡始终处于水冷散热。此外,在超频过程中还详细的展示了升级版Polaris显卡如何在超频状态下处理负载的。 13912 amd吧 snake2k9 rx580 4g 和8g 再刺客信条奥德赛中的表现无聊手里有两块580黑狼 分别是4g和8g 主频都是1366,显存位...
Hello, I'm having issue with my XFX RX580 8GB and CSM(Compatibility Support Module) disabled. This results in my screen getting artifacts during POST...
Settled on 3266MHz, overnight mem tested, and over a week of gaming, haven't seen any GPU driver crash. On a different matter, I had two RX 580s and a RX 560 before from XFX; drivers were fine, but all 3 cards couldn't handle 4K@60Hz without the signal becoming unstable. Had ...
The problem: Well, I bought this RX 580 8GB MLLSE 2048 sp and installed it on a new PC (SSD reset and Windows installed, without drivers). Just to be safe I ran DDU to clean old drivers. I installed the latest driver for the card found on the AMD website and I started to notice...
包装Radeon VII除了带来了7nm工艺制程,新的工艺下实现了更高的核心频率,在GCN5.1架构的加持下达到了出色的能耗比,Radeon VII可以说是AMD自GCN以来真正翻身之作,性能和功耗以及温度表现都相当出色,不过 ...,XFX RX 5700XT 显卡评测,外设堂
我们此次交火所用的两块卡分别是蓝宝石 RX 580 超白金 OC 限量版以及XFX讯景 RX 580 深红,两者的核心频率均为1450MHz。通过结果可以看出,RX 580 CF的FSE得分为RX 580单卡的1.93倍,TS得分为单卡的1.94倍,提升非常明显。 通过测试结果可以看出,RX 580 CF的成绩仅仅落后GTX 1080 Ti约7.5%,但领先GTX 1080有20...
Radeon RX 580采用14nm FinFET “Polaris 20”核心,核心面积为232平方毫米,共包含57亿个晶体管。基于GCN 4.0架构的该核心共有2304个流处理器,运算单元数量为36个,TMUs总数量为144个,ROPs数量为32个,四个带宽为64bit的双通道显存控制器组成了总量为256bit的显存控制单元,大小为8GB。显 卡 规 格 比 较...
mosfet driver设计在了背面 是1拖2的driver 能看到输出电容密密麻麻 特写 特写 性能 关闭平台节能,在...