NOTE: Here is the latest AMD Driver for your RX550 GPU card: Here is some previous AMD driver for your GPU card:
不过我们这个首测还是比较有意义的,毕竟全网还没有一份正规的RX550评测报告,再加上NVIDIA刚刚发布了GT1030这款对位卡,在这个时候出首测也可谓是恰逢其时。RadeonRX550产品特性一览 就目前来看,RX550的主要任务有两个,一是取代还在使用古老的CapeVerde核心的R7350,二是阻击老对手刚刚发布的GT1030。为什么说CapeV...
RX550 driver crash unfixable? Hello couple of months back i bought new radeon rx550 2GB not OC version and since then i cant get it to work. I tried various drivers that i found including CD drivers and newest drivers that came out 17.12.1 i believe. I tried drives with Aorus installed...
在平台功耗方面,结果也是如此,RX 550无论是待机状态还是FurMark烤机都要比GT 1030稍高,不过总体来看,RX 550的能效比会更高,毕竟它的性能要高出GT 1030不少。写在最后 作为AMD Radeon RX 500系列中定位最低的桌面显卡,RX 550可以说没有让我们失望,其性能完全超越了竞争对手NVIDIA的GT 1030,无论是在理论...
而在重点测试的显卡部分,除了用来对比的GT 1030显卡外,我们还加入了前一代产品中定位稍高一级的RX 460,以此来衡量RX 550与它们之间的性能差距。驱动方面,测试的所有驱动都为最新版本,其中AMD驱动为Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.6.1,NVIDIA驱动为GeForce Game Ready Driver 382.53 WHQL。
而在重点测试的显卡部分,除了用来对比的GT 1030显卡外,我们还加入了前一代产品中定位稍高一级的RX 460,以此来衡量RX 550与它们之间的性能差距。驱动方面,测试的所有驱动都为最新版本,其中AMD驱动为Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.6.1,NVIDIA驱动为GeForce Game Ready Driver 382.53 WHQL。
Radeon Software has been newly designed to provide users with a simple, fashionable and easy-to-use interface, which supports one-stop quick start of various software functions, viewing game statistics, performance reports, driver updates and so on. AFOX can run most online games at high frame ...
I just ordered the Sapphire Radeon Pulse RX 550 2GB card after this recommendation by Djhg2000, and I'd like to see if it uses UEFI, works without BIOS/IO BAR space, and might have a better chance of working on the Pi. Because it definit...
* Swapped a WX4100 (same gen as RX550) - same result. RX560 - fully functional, zero issues. RX550 - AMD driver crashes, PCI bus hangs, non functional. WX4100 - AMD driver crashes, PCI bus hangs, non functional Code: 05:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices...
迪兰RX 550 酷能 2G显卡采用14nm FinFET工艺制造的GCN 4.0架构Polaris 12核心,拥有512个流处理器,搭配128bit 2GB GDDR5显存,等效频率7Gbps。核心的默认频率为1190MHz,比公版略高。 迪兰RX 550 酷能 2G显卡采用3相数字供电方案,为显卡稳定运行提供保障。 接口方面,迪兰 RX 550 酷能 2G采用的是DVI+HDMI+DP的...