蓝宝石RX 470海外版 OC显卡采用了16K全固态黑金电容,提供长达16000小时的超长寿命,全方位满足玩家的各种需要,无论游戏还是日常的使用都不在话下。快拆风扇 在外接供电方面蓝宝石RX470 4G 海外版OC采用了一个单8pin供电,供电口放在显卡顶部,而超白金的供电口在显卡的侧边。让玩家更方便的进行插拔。同时在显卡...
Once in 1-2 months I have a GPU driver crashes and I have to reinstall it, I have tried to put different versions as the newest and earlier versions Also not long ago began to appear green screen, out of nowhere just a green screen and I have to restart my pc to make it disappear...
AMD software and drivers are designed to work best for up-to-date operating systems. Please be sure to update your operating system before installing drivers. *By clicking the "Download" button, you are confirming that you have read and agree to be bound by theEnd User License Agreement. You...
闲鱼上矿卡很多,买的是讯景的RX470,4G显存,又称474,虽然很多人说RX470都是17年的卡,运行时间过长,而RX570,RX580才是新的,但因为担心RX570,RX580是RX470刷出来的,所以,还是斟酌再三,来个便宜的玩玩吧。 据说显卡要看菊花,到手之后,大意看看,似乎还好,不过也有人说看句话其实没用的。显卡的金手指,很是暗...
NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver AMD Crimson ReLive (版本号:376.33 WHQL/16.12.2 WHQL )桌面环境 Microsoft Windows 10 专业版 (3840×2160 / 32bit / 60Hz)基准性能测试:3DMark FireStrike 于北京时间2013年2月5日推出的新3DMark,采用全新界面设计,除了测试分数,还会展现每个场景测试期间的实时曲线,...
So, I tried to install the new driver updates for my radeon rx 470 nitro 4gb and they did not work it keeps telling me that "No AMD graphics driver is
STRIX-RX470-O4G-GAMING Find Another Model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Upgrade Warranty: Here. * Please note that the availability of the Premium Care product lines might differ by country...
STRIX-RX470-O4G-GAMING Find Another Model By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Register Product Driver & Tools FAQ Manual & Document Warranty More Service FAQ Need Help? Email Us Find ...
Name:AMD Radeon RX 470 Driver v.23.7.1 for Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 Content: Date Time Attr Size Compressed Name --- --- --- --- --- 2023-07-06 11:16:34 D... 0 0 Bin64 2023-07-06 11:16:34 D... 0 0 Bin64/localization 2023-07-06 11:16:34 D... 0 0 Bin64...
AMD Radeon™ Super Resolution (RSR)2 leverages FSR technology on the driver level, giving you upscaled performance benefits across thousands of games. The Most Advanced Graphics For Gamers Experience unprecedented performance, visuals, and efficiency at 4K and beyond ...