在平时Rxjava的使用中,我们通常不会直接去new这个Observer,而是使用它实现类Subscriber,从它的名字一目了然表示订阅者,即需要知道最终结果的那个角色。在Subscriber类定义中,它不仅实现了Observer接口,还实现了Subscription接口,它可以用来取消订阅关系,终止事件发送。 既然订阅者需要去订阅某一个事件,那这个事件是如何创建...
#Short with 100 million you buy VGA? | Asus RTX 4090 Matrix The most expensive PC for Boy Rog, but is not perfect! The Sweet Spot Performance ASUS Dual series RX 580 comes equipped with Patented Wing-Blade Fans for max air flow with 105% more air pressure. The fans are IP5X dust-re...
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public class ServiceGenerator { private static final String TAG = ServiceGenerator.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20; public final static Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder() .add(MyAdpaterFactory.create()) .build(); private final static HttpLoggingInterceptor lo...
(new DownloadProgressCallBack<String>() { @Override public void update(long bytesRead, long contentLength, boolean done) { int progress = (int) (bytesRead * 100 / contentLength); HttpLog.e(progress + "% "); dialog.setProgress(progress); if (done) {//下载完成 } ... } @Override ...
ROG Strix Scope RX TKL Wireless Deluxe is the name of the new wireless keyboard from Asus, which certainly has the longest name in the world right now, but it really justifies the name because it feels luxurious and lavish. 9/10
valRUNNING_STATUS =0x100 valCANCEL_STATUS =0x200 valERROR_STATUS =0x300 valDONE_STATUS =0x400 valSTOP_STATUS =0x500 } protectedfunlogD(message:String){ if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(this::class.java.simpleName,message) } } 运算抽象的构建 ...
Although it has only been a few months since the release of version 1.8 of Radeon™ GPU Profiler (RGP), we are happy to bring you the next release of our flagship graphics profiler. New! Support for Radeon™ RX 6000 series GPUs This version introduces support for the newest GPUs in ...
一个灵活可制定的基于 Recyclerview 的轮播图控件,支持自动轮播,无限循环。 同时可关闭无限循环变成 引导页 ,带有引导完成接口回调 - leveychen/RxBanner
Try Cinebench runs in single and multi core - can the CPU stay at 100% utilization? It may reduce frequency due to temperature or power throttling, but it should stay near 100%. If not, try with a single stick of memory in the A2 slot, first one and benchmark, then ...