The RWTH Aachen University was founded in 1870 after Prince William of Prussia decided to use a donation to set up an institute of technology somewhere in the Rhine Province. Funding local banks and an insurance company meant that it was eventually locat *学校官方邮编地址: *计算机专业设置:本科及硕士 *基本信息:学生总数,教师...
In the latest ranking published by DAAD together with Centre for Higher Education Development and Die Zeit, RWTH Aachen also stands on top among other German universities in the aforementioned fields of engineering and computer science . Several scientists affiliated with RWTH Aachen have won world-...
亚琛工业大学(德语:Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen(RWTH Aachen),英语:RWTH Aachen University)坐落于德国北莱茵州亚琛市,有超过42000名学生在144个不同专业注册,为德国最大的理工大学之一,也是欧洲著名的理工大学。亚琛工业大学于2007年德国第一轮第二批精英大学评选中成为德国九所精英大学之一,同...
亚琛工业大学(德语:Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen,英语:RWTH Aachen University),创建于1870年,坐落于德国亚琛,是一所理工科为主的世界百强院校,同时也开设了经济、人文以及医学等方面的专业 [32]。 亚琛工大是欧洲顶尖工科院校IDEA联盟战略成员,也是11所德国精英大学之一、德国理工大学联盟(TU9)...