Read Write Inc. Phonics 自然拼读教学法 Swipe left to read English version 01 RWI 学习背景 来自英国牛津的“Read, Write Inc.” 高质量的自然拼读教学法(简称:RWI课程),经过多年的尝试和检验,被证实能够高效地帮助英语非母语的学习者快速阅读,从而更好地提高他们在英语理解、词汇和拼写方面的能力。RWI课程在...
Students are assessed at the start of the programme (usually in Term 3 of Reception/K2, or when they first arrive at our school). This continues throughout the programme at regular intervals during the course of Early Years and Key Stage 1. Following each assessment, students are subsequently...
RWI英语课程来自英国牛津大学,因此又称牛津RWI少儿英语(RWI by Oxford),是英国限时最炙手可热的少儿英语课程,亦是唯一一个以原音拼合法(synthetic phonics)为基础、又系统的贯通听、说、读、写四个范畴的英语课程。作者 Ruth Miskin女士 ,是英国牛津RWI英语作者,任英国政府委任的语文教学顾问。教学法 44个...