CharactersVolume 9 Shadow-Ragna·4/5/2022in General Discussion Is everyone excited for RWBY: Ice Queendom? Yes No Maybe (This thing won't allow three only) 23 Votes in Poll Ruby RoseYang Xiao LongBlake BelladonnaCharactersWeiss SchneeGrimmAtlasRWBYRWBY: Ice Queendom ...
They're bringing her back. Maybe not in Volume 9, hell, maybe not in Volume 10, but she's coming back. Wanna know why? Because they made a new 3D model of her in the new animation style. Why would they do that only for a two second scene in Volume 8? Plus, I think even the...
翻译整理】M&K在Reddit AMA所透露的设定和制作内幕 22dmgxy Miles Luna Kerry Shawcross Paula Decanini RWBYchibi导演 参加了Reddit r/rwby AMA(ask me anything)活动,揭露了大量设定和制作内幕 以下翻译整理:/为译注和吐槽/ 二楼放 银河大毛线 12-22 139 持续更新)汤不热上的评论 海上漂水母 rt,最爱...
[BRB] RWBY Volume2 1080P 整合版 (让你一次看个够) BT下载: 639970 rwby吧 sbz_kid [BRB] RWBY Vol.2 第九章 中英双语字幕 1080P BT下载:
现在公开到Volume.8,日语版 23155 rwby吧 帆叛 有个小槽点,就是武器简直不是一个画风的 真的是帅的帅死,搓的搓死 小红跟叔叔的大镰刀,蕾文的野太刀,还有诺拉的大锤真的是又大又帅 相比之下B妹还有莲跟小强的武器简直不够看,太小了 更不用说杂鱼手上的小铁片了 分享4997 rwby吧 DennisA 借武器~(...
RWBY Volume 6 Crew Commentary Notes! I just got the Volume 6 Blu Ray and I’m going to be watching the crew’s commentary! Kerry was talking with a few others as well as Miles after chapter 1. I wrote what I found interesting or important: ...
9音乐唱片编辑 第一季 原声大碟 【专辑名】RWBY Volume 1 Soundtrack1.This Will Be the Day(feat.Casey Lee Williams)2.Red Like Roses(Red Trailer)[feat.Casey Lee Williams]3.Mirror Mirror(White Trailer)[feat. Casey Lee Williams]4.From Shadows(Black Trailer)[feat. Casey Lee Williams]5.I Burn(...
翻译整理】M&K在Reddit AMA所透露的设定和制作内幕 22dmgxy Miles Luna Kerry Shawcross Paula Decanini RWBYchibi导演 参加了Reddit r/rwby AMA(ask me anything)活动,揭露了大量设定和制作内幕 以下翻译整理:/为译注和吐槽/ 二楼放 银河大毛线 12-22 139 持续更新)汤不热上的评论 海上漂水母 rt,最爱...
“配音”,但Neo仍然不会有任何台词 159115 rwby吧 姬发式四刀平 【分析】RWBY三季OP具体风格分析 附加Coco出场IN分析 分享1281 rwby吧 gymted 【搬运】RWBY Volume 1&2 OP 第一季与第二季的OPVolume 1: SD(360P): HD(720P):http://j7...