Want to make an official looking license for your Huntsman/Huntress? RWBY-Party on Tumblr hS you covered! Monty Oum's Color Naming Rule Before incorporating Grimm into your character AT ALL, read this. In order to ensure your character isn't a Mary or Anti-Sue, I suggest clicking here. ...
There's a Tumblr for him. 121. Monty: Yep. 122. Kerry: (laughs) But you know, whatever, he likes to wear hats! 123. Monty: And no shoes. 124. Kerry: Shout-out to Oz and Glynda. 125. Monty: Oh, that's right. 126. Kerry: It was fun, it was fun to come up ...
RWBY外传小说After the Fall信息一览 猫左先森 一楼放图 这本小说是以Coco小队为主视角的。主要讲述了CFVY小队在信标陨落后在Vacuo真空王国发生的事件。 内有大量树不子世界观设定 以及CFVY小队信息。 以下内容来自外网 感谢RWBY wiki管理员的无私总结 翻译由本人完成。部分地名 人名 戮兽名不做翻译 共6 张 hj...