Local governance for poverty reduction in Rwanda.Rwanda, Republic ofMINALOC (2002) Local governance for poverty reduction in Rwanda. Country presentation at the 5th Africa Governance Forum, Maputo, May 23-25, 2002. Ministry for Local Government and Social Af- fairs, Kigali....
在举行本赛季第一场主场比赛时,拜仁俱乐部宣布了这一合作关系,俱乐部将与卢旺达体育部合作建立一所足球学院,以增强卢旺达足球的发展。 The partnership, unveiled during FC Bayern’s first home game of the season, will see the club w...
In addition to providing technical inputs and advice in the formulation of the plans, UNDP has been working closely with the Ministry of Finance on the planning for Social-Economic Impact Assessment jointly with UNECA, the World Bank, and the IMF. UNDP and the World Bank have been designated ...
Assumpta Ingabire, Permanent Secretary of Rwandan Ministry of Local Government, delivers a speech during the completion ceremony of a China-funded village television project in Rulindo District, central Rwanda, on May 24, 2019. The completion ceremony was held in Rulindo District on Friday, where...
The National Authorising Officer is located within the Ministry of Local Government and manages the implementation of EDF funds. 27. The aid policy strategy defines the government’s position on aid and seeks to clarify the responsibilities of different national and international actors in implementing...
Ubudehe is a social protection programme under the responsibility of the Ministry of Local Government that involves the classification by community of households according to their wealth, in order to differentiate social interventions. The MoH harnessed this initiative to modulate the premium of the ...
The influence and role of TV has grown in Rwanda, but the penetration is low because of high costs of sets, lack of electricity and coverage access, said Assumpta Ingabire, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Local Government. This project will help Rwanda achieve a better nationwide TV penetrat...
CAR’s National Assembly, a violation of the national constitution (Jeune Afrique, August 20, 2019). According to the US Treasury Department, Prigozhin’s CAR operations are “reported to be coordinated with the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense.”[...
Support an improved enabling environment for private sector-led growth through advisory support to the Ministry of Trade and Industry on feedback mechanisms and evidence-based problem-solving. Promote more effective citizen and business participation in local government policy-making through support to the...
Ministry of Health, Republic of Rwanda. Third strategic plan: July 2012–June 2018 (MTR, HSSP3). 2015b. Retrieved from http://www.moh.gov.rw/fileadmin/templates/Docs/HSSP_III_FINAL_VERSION.pdf Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC), Republic of Rwanda. Decentralization implementation plan (...