In recent weeks, Russian mercenaries in Bria, capital of the Haute Kotto prefecture, have been in the habit of rounding up young men on a daily basis for use as forced labor in the construction of a nearby base. When no young men were to be found for several days, the Russians carried...
Age structure Dependency ratios Median age Population growth rate Birth rate Death rate Net migration rate Population distribution Urbanization Major cities - population Sex ratio Mother's mean age at first birth Maternal mortality rate Infant mortality rate ...
Rwanda’s Government is engaged in a broad program of labor force transformation [20]. The conversion of workers theoretically follows the remuneration gradient. However, the situation is more complex than the evidence suggests. Agriculture remains the main source of employment but is a less remunera...
However, the government of Rwanda grants land to its citizens and establishes land law that determines modalities of concession, transfer, and use of land [34]. Recently, the national land policy stated that access to land through inheritance is becoming very limited due to land shortage. The ...
We find our study more impactful in that it is more informative for the local law enforcement authorities, as it reveals which measures are being obeyed. Hence, they can know what to do to enhance citizen appreciation of the need to obey the regulations. Among the limitations of this study ...