A three-month truce was shattered on November 15 as RAC and Congolese forces clashed at daybreak, both sides claiming later to have acted in self-defense. Tanks belonging to the UN’s Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) rolled into def...
Briefly, two FFQs were administered to all the participants, one on the enrollment day and the second, after one year. In four consecutive rounds, every three months, two multiple-pass 24-hour recall data were collected on weekdays and on weekends. The FFQ administered contained a list of ...
Producing enough food on nutrient deficient land for the rapidly growing population is challenging and buying imported food would be too expensive for most of the population who currently live on less than one dollar (USD) per day. Despite the economic recovery of Rwanda since 1994, household ...
In discussion during interview afterwards, she reflected that she might have taught the ideas too close together: ‘I think the confusion originated from the fact that I taught those two concepts in the same day. It would have been much easier if I taught on one day descending, on the ...
Rainfall in the Karongi area was near-continuous in the period preceding the 7th of May 2018, with a total of 42 rainy days from the 1st of March to the 6th of May (a day is considered rainy when CHIRPS precipitation values exceed 1 mm), i.e., 3 days over 5 days in average. Th...
The nighttime light data collected by the Day/Night Band (DNB) sensors of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on board the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) satellite platform were used in this study. Recently, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NA...
Solar power appears to be of great interest as an off-grid solution, as it provides access to electricity and does not require grid expansion investment; solar irradiation fluctuates between 4 kWhkWhto 5 kWhkWh per day in all regions [12]. Rwanda has few assessments of wind power potential ...