1. 确认rviz和robotmodel的配置正确无误 检查rviz配置文件:确保在rviz的配置文件中(通常是.rviz文件),RobotModel插件已被正确添加,并且其属性(如Fixed Frame、TF Client Cache Time等)已根据需要进行设置。 环境变量:确保ROS环境变量(如ROS_MASTER_URI、ROS_PACKAGE_PATH等)已正确设置,以便rviz能够正确访问ROS网络和...
创建URDF模型用rviz出现Global Status : Error 解决方法 rviz左下角点击Add按键,出现如下图所示: 在弹出的界面中下拉选择RobotModel,然后点击ok,至此问题解决... display_mrobot_chassis_urdf.launch 启动rviz仿真出现如下图所示:GlobalStatus:Error解决方法一: 打开终端在终端中输入 rosrun tf ...
创建URDF模型用rviz出现Global Status : Error 解决方法: 在终端中输入:roslaunch mrobot_description display_mrobot_chassis_urdf.launch 启动rviz仿真出现如下图所示:Global Status : Error 解决方法一: 打开终端在终端中输入 rosrun tf static_transform_pub... 使用urdf创建机器人模型,并在rviz中显示 ./devel/se...
[robot_state_publisher-2] [WARN] [1710301464.292067896] [kdl_parser]: The root link gimbal_link0 has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF. [robot_state_publisher-2] [IN...
Isolating these issues,gazebo_ros/spawn_urdffails with main error being Spawn service failed. Exiting. [spawn_urdf-5] process has died [pid 10330, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/gazebo_ros/spawn_model -param robot_description -urdf -x 3 -y -12 -z 0.5 -model prius __name:=...
Then run the urdf check: $ cd /tmp/ $ check_urdf kit_c.urdf The output will state the breakdown of the robot model robot name is: quad --- Successfully Parsed XML --- root Link: base_link has 5 child(ren) child(1): base_link_inertia...
运行了 roslaunch probot_gazebo probot_anno_bringup_moveit.launch之后,在rviz中发现robotmodel下的Status状态是红色的,而且右侧显示的机械臂上附近有不明的大片的白色。 robotmodel下的Status的状态错误主要是link显示: No transform from [base_link] to [link_1] 1 一开始以为是模型建的有问题,后来发现是...
URDF(Unified Robot Description Format)——创建机器人模型 统一(标准化)机器人描述格式,可以以一种 XML 的方式描述机器人的部分结构,比如底盘、摄像头、激光雷达、机械臂以及不同关节的自由度,该文件可以被 C++ 内置的解释器转换成可视化的机器人模型,是 ROS 中实现机器人仿真的重要组件。
使用URDF(Unified Robot Description Format)进行机器人模型的描述(用的是XML语言),使用check_urdf指令进行验证. 最基本的坐标是base_link,然后使用joint和link进行描述;注意使用collision和inertial进行描述。注意启动. 在启动机器人模型的launch文件中 (simpleexample: https://github... 用...
The most likely case is that there is an issue with locating the meshes or processing the urdf. However, that usually results in an error in the status of the RobotModel display. wjwwood added bug need feedback or more info labels Sep 25, 2017 wjwwood added this to the untargeted ...