When I load the robot model into rviz it throws this error in the output: Could not load resource [package://wam_description/urdf/meshes/wam_stand.stl]: Unable to open file "package://wam_description/urdf/meshes/wam_stand.stl".
Could not load resource [%s]: Unable to open file "%s" #1819 openedApr 4, 2024byPhilVince96 3 Failed to build rviz from source due toSIPversion issue? #1815 openedFeb 2, 2024byNumbNutN 4 Suggestion: Arrow List Marker #1785 openedMar 16, 2023byrr-tom-noble ...
mesh_loader.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol"__declspec(dllimport) public: __cdecl QString::~QString(void)"(__imp_??1QString@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in function"class Ogre::SharedPtr<class Ogre::Mesh> __cdecl rviz_rendering::loadMeshFromResource(class std::basic_string<char...
Basic info RViz2 from frequently crashes during the use while running with Nav2 stack. The problem appears in random places even if all Nav2-related stuff was disabled (see minimal configuration file in reproduction section below). Crash...
Config file '/home/patrick/.rviz/display_config' could not be opened for reading. rviz: /tmp/buildd/ros-fuerte-visualization-common-1.8.2/debian/ros-fuerte-visualization-common/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/visualization_common/ogre/build/ogre_src_v1-7-3/RenderSystems/GL/src/OgreGLSupport.cpp:56: ...
Could not load resource [%s]: Unable to open file "%s" #1819 openedApr 4, 2024byPhilVince96 3 Failed to build rviz from source due toSIPversion issue? #1815 openedFeb 2, 2024byNumbNutN 4 Suggestion: Arrow List Marker #1785 openedMar 16, 2023byrr-tom-noble ...