How to Use Realtime Voice Changer Client for RVC: Step 1:Download a free real-time voice changer, such asW Okada, and download the latest executable binaries fromHugging Face. Step 2:Unzip and extract the downloaded files. Ensure you have HuBERT installed and place '' in the...
原项目: 基于v.修改 更新内容:使用SOLA代替交叉淡化以改善实时变声效果 修复在较新驱动N卡上会占用大量显存及推理延迟变高的bug 新增DDSP-svc支持 RVC架构支持A卡,推理效率优化(onnx, DirectML) 下载链接:
(voiceChangerType='RVC', name='刻鳴時雨(onnx)', description='', credit='刻鳴時雨', termsOfUseUrl='', iconFile='model_dir\3\tokina_shigure.png', speakers={'0': 'target'}, modelFile=...
Realtime Voice Changer Client for RVC チュートリアル(v. Files 20303d9 .vscode client docker docker_trainer docker_vcclient docs recorder script server trainer tutorials images
Corrected the code in step 2 for “gradio_client” related errors. I have been informed by viewer that both Train and Inference are possible. *The free version cannot be used. At this time (as of February 2024), billing is required. ...
原项目: 基于v.修改 更新内容:使用SOLA代替交叉淡化以改善实时变声效果 修复在较新驱动N卡上会占用大量显存及推理延迟变高的bug 新增DDSP-svc支持 RVC架构支持A卡,推理效率优化(onnx, DirectML) 下载链接: ...
voice-changer-master\client\demo\dist\assets\gui_settings\GUI.json { ... { "name": "configArea", "options": { "detectors": ["dio", "harvest", "crepe", "crepe_full", "crepe_tiny", "rmvpe", "rmvpe_onnx", "fcpe"], "inputChunkNums": [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, 32, 4...
[VCClient] Accesshttp:// [VCClient] wait web server...0http:// Booting PHASE :main Booting PHASE :MMVCServerSIO [Voice Changer] VoiceChangerManager initializing... [Voice Changer] model slot is changed -1 -> Beatrice-JVS ...