This, and the narrative had a hold on me from start to finish. When we learn at the end that Ruth, was King David's great grandma it helps to know we're watching a story that's set in a time just over one millennium before the first coming of Jesus Christ. ...
"Regardless of the terrible circumstances I am deeply grieved at the death of Mrs. Ruth," explained Walsh. "She was a grand little woman and her devotion to Babe especially in some of his past difficulties was a beautiful example of loyalty."2 Ruth immediately distanced himself from the ...
To that end, look at the last chapter, which we can divide into three simple parts: • First, there is the story of the redemption of the family of Elimelech, the deceased husband of Naomi (4:1-12). • Second, there is the marriage and childbearing of Ruth that brings about the...
“And Ruth said, Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.”(Ruth 1:16) In the 1990s, James Dunne, the compos...
CHAPTER 9 Ruth the Ruthless: Activism, Welfare, and Generational Change The polarisation of 1970s' welfare debates triggered an increasing profes- sionalisation of British animal campaigning as well as generational clashes about the style and goals of protest. The described changes were not ...
This close relative, who is a literary foil for Boaz, refuses to fulfill the role of family guardian and is relegated to anonymity in a chapter otherwise filled with names and in contrast to Boaz’s prominence. Because the actual name of this relative is not recorded, the translation of ...
Here’s the fourth chapter of my mini-adventure story. To briefly summarize my previous three posts, I have arrived in the tiny village of Ooshima in Nagano Prefecture after a long and hair-raising day of travel, attended a festival and chugged up a muddy mountain in a broken-down van. ...
On June 1, 1966, one of the defining television shows of the early ‘60s came to an end. After 158 episodes, 15 primetime Emmy Awards and a legacy as one of the greatest sitcoms in history, The Dick Van Dyke Show ended with its finale, “The Last Chapter.”“We were very careful ...
It’s months away, but of course we had to buy tickets early. It will be exciting to see Branagh play Lear in my favourite Shakespeare play. I am reading Helen Luke’s bookOld Age, and the chapter onKing Learmoved me, particularly when she refers to the two lines spoken by Lear to...
One annoying habit of the book was to skip forward 10 years from one paragraph to another, not even from one chapter to another。 And you never knew when it was going to happen。 Sometimes, it just seemed like he couldn't figure out how to get out of a spot, so he just jumped ...