Rutgers Career Fair Sees Employer BoostRutgers University hosted its largest career day of the yearWednesday, with about 16 percent...Diduch, Mary
罗格斯大学Rutgers University 罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),全名为新泽西州立罗格斯大学,是一所公立研究型大学,也是新泽西州规模最大的高等学府,在州内,其学术声誉仅次于普林斯顿,2019年U.S. News美国大学综合排名中位列第56名。 罗格斯大学是美国最早成立的八所高等教育机构之一,与它同期的大学包括哈佛大学、威廉玛丽...
Rutgers University是一所有着250年历史的大学,有着超过5万名的学生和1万名左右的教职工,超过17个学院...
尖锐的critique,请跟university career services的坐下来好好过一遍你的简历,过一遍你找工作的策略,连...
[17Fall] MS. DataScience/Analytics@Rutgers University 头一次这么正式的发文,先介绍一下自己的大概情况吧 背景: 陆本 纯文科 24K纯纯的, 来美之后补了数理基础,强转。罗格斯的两个Data 项目(CS track 和Stat)都录取了,其他两所DS虽然有NYU老师的项目和推荐信坐镇也都跪了,所以RU转专业真的很友好。
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (CBS)-- Rutgers University has apologized for banning students from a job fair for wearing the wrong-colored suits. According, several students were told they were not allowed to attend due to the strict new dress code. The policy forbid blue suits, colored ...
It is without a doubt, attending Rutgers University brings prestige to your name, and distinguishes you from the competition. With over two hundred and fifty years of rich history, Rutgers has been proudly represented by alumni as they continue into their career paths. Dating back to 1766 when...
Energy and telecom mogul Sarath Ratanavadi,one of the richest men in Thailand, wanted his son to attend the University of Southern California a decade ago. The admissions officer who reviewed his file, however, termed him a “mediocre student at best” with grades at a Bangkok privat...
At Princeton University, meanwhile, pro-Palestine protesters remain frustrated with the Ivy League school's response. During a special meeting of the Rutgers University Board of Governors on Monday, Holloway said he has received “thousands” of emails on the agreement, which he said allowed the ...