主校区新布朗斯维克分校是其中最大、各项排名最高的分校,也是美国新泽西州的最大高等学府。分校区位于纽瓦克(Newark)和肯顿(Camden),靠近纽约和费城。 新泽西州(New Jersey)又被称为美国的“花园州”,东临大西洋,北接纽约州,西南与宾州接壤,...
The Essex County prosecutor's office says 25-year-old Marcus Feliz has been charged with murder and other offenses related to the Newark shooting Apr 13, 2016 Rutgers student killed in shooting near campus Essex County Prosecutor's Office spokeswoman Katherine Carter says the shooting took pla...
Hi! I’m freshman at Rutgers University- New Brunswick, I am also apart of Honors College. Enrolling at Rutgers was one of my best decisions in life. People here are amazing, so are professors and classes, some of which are challenging, but very well organized, fun and have an enormous...
Founded in 1766 and the eighth-oldest college in the U.S., Rutgers University is a public research university in New Jersey with three distinct campuses in New Brunswick, Camden, and Newark. The New Brunswick campus, the oldest and main campus, regularly appears in top 30 colleges on lists...