Spring Break typically offers college students a brief pause from the daily grind of classes, essays and late-night study sessions. But the work never stopped for a group of Rutgers University-New Brunswick students who dedicated their week in March to making a difference in and around New Orle...
Rutgers School of Arts and Science has Writing Centers to provide tutoring to students in expository writing, from basic composition to advanced research, business, and scientific writing courses. Each session is eighty minutes long for one day per week and can be taken for five weeks only. The...
code to ensure his students understand how the functionality works. The guidance is awesome and I definitely suggest anyone looking to learn code to join Rutgers Bootcamp. Even for someone like myself who already had some background knowledge in web development, I learn something new everyday!
Rutgers athletic director Tim Pernetti was given a copy of the video in late November by a former employee. After hiring independent investigators to analyze the tape, he suspended Rice for three games, fined him $75,000 and ordered him to attend anger management classes. University president Ro...
Rutgers unions’ demands echo those raised recently by graduate and postdoctoral groups at Princeton University. A semester-long push for unionization from PGSU this spring resulted in over 3,000 graduate students — a majority of the graduate student population —si...
Rutgers University is requiring students attending classes in person this fall to be vaccinated against Covid-19.