My typical day at Rutgers University involves working on various functions Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and Access; I also was doing Budget, copy and fax using the Xerox Printing/Fax machine, Time Record,Time and Effort (T&E), Weekly Itinerary, Ordering office supply and arranging meeting in...
There are many smaller takeaways from the important win. But nothing matters more to the team's rest-of-season outlook than the fact that, as the weeks pass, the team is continuing to improve. The Badgers have found an identity This matters. Wisconsin has found a clear identity: handing ...
mail--but it cannot connect to POP3 110 port to receive mail. That's because no POP server was installed. ***Point: You must have *both* SMTP and POP3 servers (or IMAP) running on your Linux box. Solution: Fire up Glint, scan for new packages, and get the imap-4.4 package install...
Lastly, I have composed this mail in outlook, and I think I have it convinced to send it text only format..appoligies in advance if I'm mistaken. Please reply directly to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as I can't pick up my mail from anywhere else (seeing as my 'real' box is ...
> PC (win95) outlook from the linux-red hat6 server i have at our office. For > this i have established a PPP link to the server using modem/telephone > lines. Please tell me how to configure my server such that i can read my ...
I know it's wishful thinking, but maybe someone out there can "hack" Outlook Express's Hotmail interface and create an email util for Linux that can connect with Hotmail. :-) That's about the only thing I miss from my Outlook Express! :-) John ...