拉特格斯大学-卡姆登分校成立于1926年,是一所公立大学。在校本科生5776人,学校位于市区,校园面积29亩。该校为学期制度。罗格斯大学-卡姆登分校(Rutgers University-Camden)在2020年US NEWS排名第166位。该州的州内学生学杂费为15264美元;州外学生的学费是31500美元。直...
summer.newark.rutgers.edu Rutgers University Newark Summer Session Its that time again! We’ve put together all the information and resources you need to make this a simple and easy registration process. http://summer.newark.rutgers.edu/
Rutgers University Camden Campus has a learning center offering various services to students including individual tutoring, peer-led review sessions, and academic coaching. It’s located at 231 Armitage Hall, 311 N. Fifth Street, Camden. Each session is one hour long and students can also book a...
Rutgers University has four campuses throughout the state of New Jersey: Rutgers University-Newark (RU-N), located in Newark; Rutgers University–Camden, located in Camden; Rutgers University-New Brunswick, located in New Brunswick and Piscataway; and the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Science School...