GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Learn more about getting started with Actions. Linux, macOS, Windows, ARM, and containers Hosted runners for every major OS make it easy ...
Search all discussions label:bug label:bug Clear Sort by: Latest activity Latest activity Date created Top: Past day Top: Past week Top: Past month Top: Past year Top: All Label Filter Categories, most helpful, and community links Categories View all discussions 📣 ...
项目地址: 项目介绍: RustDesk是一个全功能的开源远程控制替代方案,用于自托管和安全性,只需最少的配置。系统部署 一、新建文件夹 老规矩,为了让项目正确运行,我们需要新建几个文件夹。这里以路径【/volume1/docker/rustdesk】为例,新建文件夹【/volume1/docker/rustdesk/data...
if windows: # download third party is deprecated, we use github ci instead.# feature.append('PrivacyMode') pass for feat in feature: if isinstance(feat, str) and feat.upper() == 'ALL': return get_all_features() if feat in available_features: ...
'checksum_url': '', 'exclude': ['', 'certmgr.exe', 'install_cert_runas_admin.bat', 'RustDeskIddApp.exe'], }, 'PrivacyMode': { 'platform': ['windows'], ...
'checksum_url': '', 'include': ['WindowInjection.dll'], } } apply_features = {} if not feature: feature = [] if isinstance(feature, str) and feature.upper() == 'ALL': return available...
All with Github Actions 你是改了端口,那就不好说了,我还没针对上述三个方法测试过自定义端口,...
You should then be able to remotely control this machine through system updates, configurations, and other user actions. RustDesk Remote Desktop Access You can also take advantage of RustDesk’s chat system to communicate with the user on the other remote system. ...
All lua, all the time. ( lua/plugins.lua -- telescope (新增) use { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" } } 1. 2.:checkhealth telescope 检查依赖情况,这里通常会提示 ripgrep 不存在,因为 telescope 依赖以下两个项目。
uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable - name: Build Vite + Tauri run: pnpm build - name: Create release uses: tauri-apps/tauri-action@v0 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: tagName: v__VERSION__ # the action automatically replaces \_\_VERSION\_\...