The cargo, rustc, rustup and other commands will be added to Cargo's bin directory, located at: C:\Users\jiangbo\.cargo\bin This path will then be added to your PATH environment variable by modifying the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment/PATH registry key. You can uninstall at any time with...
默认情况,Rust 依赖C++ build tools,所以有一个提醒,并且提供了安装的方式。 最后也说明了,如果基于GNU ABI就可以不安装,并且询问是否继续,输入y回车继续。 Rust Visual C++ prerequisites Rust requires the Microsoft C++ build tools for Visual Studio 2013 or later, but they don't seem to be installed. T...
Dear all, the current version (2018-04-05) rust-init.exe is not installing rustup on my Windows 10 VM 64 Bit / MSYS2 / GNU: Current installation options: default host triple: gnu default toolchain: nightly modify PATH variable: yes 1) Pr...
Call rust_init() in fish_indent too Browse files The initial port of feature flags requires a global initialization. Since fish_indent accesses feature flags, let's make sure to initialize them here. In future, we can stop initializing things fish_indent doesn't need (like the topic ...
rustup init 镜像 painter是处理绘图的小部件,当想自定义部件外观的时候可以使用这个部件 创建绘图部件 pub fn new(f: impl FnMut(&mut PaintCtx<'_, '_, '_>, &T, &Env) + 'static) -> Self new参数是一个方法,PaintCtx,data,Env 先创建一个基本的绘图部件...
本文简要介绍rust语言中 core::lazy::OnceCell.get_or_try_init 的用法。用法pub fn get_or_try_init<F, E>(&self, f: F) -> Result<&T, E> where F: FnOnce() -> Result<T, E>, 获取单元格的内容,如果单元格为空,则使用 f 对其进行初始化。如果单元格为空且f 失败,则返回错误。 Panics ...
RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT="${RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT:-}" # NOTICE: If you change anything here, please make the same changes in usage() { cat <<EOF rustup-init 1.26.0 (577bf51ae 2023-04-05) The installer for rustup ...
本文简要介绍rust语言中core::lazy::OnceCell.get_or_init的用法。 用法 pubfnget_or_init<F>(&self, f: F) -> &TwhereF:FnOnce() -> T, 获取单元格的内容,如果单元格为空,则使用f对其进行初始化。 Panics 如果f出现Panics,则Panics会传播给调用者,并且单元格保持未初始化状态。
$ --target [target] --component [component] Run rustup-init and specify the default toolchain to install $ --default-toolchain [toolchain] Run rustup-init and do not install any toolchain $ --default-toolchain [none] ...