安装完成后,可在桌面双击 VSCode 图标,立即启动 VSCode 。 推荐VScode 的 Rust 插件 rust-analyzer :实时编译和分析你的 Rust 代码,提示代码中的错误,并对类型进行标注。 Even Better TOML : 支持 .toml 文件完整特性。 Error Lens :更友好的错误展示。 Eva Dark :我个人推荐的一款主题。 CodeLLDB :Debugger ...
对于大型项目,我们一般喜欢使用IDE来辅助调试。 打开VS Code,安装Native Debug插件,转到调试面板添加配置,选择C++ (GDB/LLDB),修改.vscode/launch.json: { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Debug GDB", "type": "gdb", "request": "attach", "executable": "./target/thumbv7m-...
搭建gcc-arm-none-eabi编译环境 5.安装vscode vscode官网传送门 6.安装相关插件 rust-analyzer:使用VSCode开发Rust必备 cortex-debug:基于openocd的调试和烧录插件 Debugger for probe-rs:基于probe-rs的调试和烧录插件 crates:提升编辑Cargo.toml的体验,辅助包管理 7.编写调试配置 7.1 添加构建任务和烧写任务 .vscode...
Microsoft C++(ms-vscode.cpptools) –on Windows CodeLLDB(vadimcn.vscode-lldb) –on macOS/Linux If you forget to install one of these extensions, rust-analyzer will provide a notification with links to the VS Code Marketplace when you try to start a debug session. ...
Yesterday I needed to run the debugger of VSCode (CodeLLDB extension) an noticed that the debugger isn't working anymore. When trying to debug I get the following error message:dyld[65664]: Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.20
The reason this happens is because you are using the C++ extension not the Rust extension for the debugger. LLDB or the debugger frontend in VSCode needs to guess the type of youravariable. And it interprets the byte to show it in hex formatting. ...
直接在 Chrome 的调试窗口中调试 Vue 代码有诸多不便, 好在 Visual Studio Code 中提供了 Debugger for...
Rust v0.7.8(预览版)Rust support for Visual Studio CodeNative Debug v0.25.1Native VSCode debugger. Supports both GDB and LLDB.C/C++ v1.7.1C/C++ for Visual Studio CodeRust-analyzer v0.2.817An alternative rust language server to the RLS 参照例子,编写一个hello.rs 程序,...
1、vscode安装插件 C/C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools),安装后运行Run->Start Debugging会出现C++(GDB/LLDB)与C++(Windows) 2、根据rust用的版本,如果用的是x86_64-pc-windows-msvc,调试时选择C++(Windows), 如果是x86_64-pc-windows-gnu,调试时选择C++(GDB/LLDB)。