.expect("There is a problem when reading the file"); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. thread 'main' panicked at 'There is a problem when reading the file: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', test.rs:5:72 note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` envi...
.expect("There is a problem when reading the file"); } thread'main' panicked at 'There is a problem when reading the file: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', test.rs:5:72note:runwith`RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variabletodisplay a backtrace...
「Rust 强制要求开发者处理所有可能的错误情况。如果一个函数返回Result类型,你必须显式处理Ok和Err,或者使用unwrap()、expect()等方法明确标明这里可能的错误不会被处理。当然,这将在运行时引发 panic,如果预期的错误发生的话。」 「Rust 编译器会在编译时捕获未处理的Result和Option类型,要求程序员处理,否则就编译...
由于testcrate依赖于标准库,所以它在我们的裸机目标上并不可用,虽然将testcrate移植到一个#[no_std]上下文环境中是可能的,但是这样做是高度不稳定的并且还会需要一些特殊的hacks,例如重定义panic宏。 自定义测试框架 幸运的是,Rust支持通过使用不稳定的 [自定义测试框架(custom_test_frameworks)] 功能来替换默认的测...
Running unittests src\lib.rs (target\debug\deps\test_lib-d48d3291e5f263a6.exe) running 2 tests test tests::it_works ... ok test tests::new_add_case ... FAILED failures: --- tests::new_add_case stdout --- thread 'tests::new_add_case' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left ...
rust-cli/rexpect [rexpect] - automate interactive applications such as ssh, ftp, passwd, etc zhiburt/expectrl [expectrl] - A library for controlling interactive programs in a pseudo-terminal Progress a8m/pb [pbr] - console progress bar console-rs/indicatif [indicatif] - indicate progress...
由于test 库依赖于标准库,所以它在我们的裸机目标上并不可用。虽然将 test 库移植到一个 #[no_std] 上下文环境中是可能的,但是这样做是高度不稳定的,并且还会需要一些特殊的hacks,例如重定义 panic 宏。 🔗自定义测试框架 幸运的是,Rust支持通过使用不稳定的自定义测试框架(custom_test_frameworks) 功能来替换...
usegoogletest::prelude::*;#[gtest]fnfailing_fatal_assertion_after_non_fatal_assertion()->Result<()>{letvalue =2;verify_that!(value,eq(3))?;// Fails and aborts the test.expect_that!(value,eq(3));// Never executes, since the test already aborted.Ok(())} ...
The Rust Programming LanguageRust 编程语言笔记。来源:The Rust Programming Language By Steve Klabnik, Carol Nichols 翻译参考:Rust 语言术语中英文对...