如果类型T实现了Send,那么Mutex<T>会自动实现Send和Sync。它的使用方法也比较简单,在使用之前需要通过lock或try_lock方法来获取锁,然后再进行操作。那么现在我们就可以对前面的代码进行修复了。 代码语言:txt 复制 use std::thread; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; fn main() { let mut s = Arc::new(Mute...
Cloud Studio代码运行 asyncfnasync_fn1()->Result{Ok(1)}asyncfnasync_fn2()->Result{Err("async_fn2 failed")}#[tokio::main]asyncfnmain(){letres=tokio::try_join!(async_fn1(),async_fn2());match res{Ok((first,second))=>{println!("first = {}, second = {}",first,second);}Err(er...
创建子线程 usestd::thread;usestd::time::Duration;// 线程函数fnthread_fn(count:i32){foriin1..count{println!("hi number {} from thread",i);thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));}}fnmain(){letcount=5;// 创建线程lett=thread::spawn(move||{thread_fn(count)});// 等待线程结束t.joi...
I have improved it and will try again. Now it directly parses [no_std] in .rs to determine whether it is no_std. That's it Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment
在开始实现一个单线程web服务器之前,我们来快速的了解下里面涉及到的协议。 对这一块早已熟悉到爆的大佬可以绕过了,以下内容仅提供给我这样的小白。 HTTP是Hypertext Transfer Protocol的缩写也就是超文本传输协议,而TCP则是Transmission Control Protocol即传输控制协议。
rust-analyzer for Vim/Neovim, works as an extension with coc.nvim. Latest version: 0.81.0, last published: 14 days ago. Start using coc-rust-analyzer in your project by running `npm i coc-rust-analyzer`. There are no other projects in the npm registry us
empty.signalAll(); lock.unlock(); } public void consume() { // 获得锁 lock.lock(); while (list.size() == 0) { System.out.println("【消费者" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "】仓库为空"); try { empty.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }...
To learn more, check out ourRustConf'18talk on YouTube and try the C2Rust translator online atc2rust.com. Documentation To learn more about using and developing C2Rust, check out themanual. The manual is still a work-in-progress, so if you can't find something please let us know. ...
join("include")] 若没有指定编译模式则会首先去找环境变量 FFMPEG_DIR 它指定了 FFMPEG 的位置,在这一模式下会去链接预编译的库,通过 rustc-link-search instruction添加预编译库文件夹到库索引。 Line 687~705 } else if let Some(paths) = try_vcpkg(statik) { // vcpkg doesn't detect the "...