先检查 L 是不是 Ready,如果 Ready ,再检查 R 的 Output 是不是有值(并没有 Poll L)。如果是,则把 L 和 R 的 Output 组合成一个 tuple 作为 Join 之后的 Output,然后返回 Poll::Ready 状态 TryJoin 和 Join 类似。先检查 L 是不是 Ready,然后检查 L 的 Output 是不是有错误,如果有错误,就返回E...
Cloud Studio代码运行 asyncfnasync_fn1()->Result{Ok(1)}asyncfnasync_fn2()->Result{Err("async_fn2 failed")}#[tokio::main]asyncfnmain(){letres=tokio::try_join!(async_fn1(),async_fn2());match res{Ok((first,second))=>{println!("first = {}, second = {}",first,second);}Err(er...
usestd::thread;usestd::time::Duration;// 线程函数fnthread_fn(count:i32){foriin1..count{println!("hi number {} from thread",i);thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));}}fnmain(){letcount=5;// 创建线程lett=thread::spawn(move||{thread_fn(count)});// 等待线程结束t.join().unwrap(...
rust-analyzerfor Vim/Neovim, works as an extension with coc.nvim. Install :CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer removerust-analyzerconfig fromcoc-settings.jsonif you've set NOTE: For Apple Silicon users, you shouldn't use Node.js v15, checkout#975for more. Notes It's recommended to add$CARGO_H...
I have improved it and will try again. Now it directly parses [no_std] in .rs to determine whether it is no_std. That's it Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment
I'll try that and see how well it goes, and if it doesn't, I'll still have the rpm version, which just works out of the box. Maybe someone else has the same issue and finds this thread useful. I was trying to search online for a solution to no success, so I guess using flatp...
This allows you to create tables using four different storages and perform operations like JOIN using SQL, all at once. Composite Storage is a versatile feature that can be used in many different scenarios, making it a valuable tool for developers who need to work with multiple storage systems...
empty.signalAll(); lock.unlock(); } public void consume() { // 获得锁 lock.lock(); while (list.size() == 0) { System.out.println("【消费者" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "】仓库为空"); try { empty.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }...
join("include")] 若没有指定编译模式则会首先去找环境变量 FFMPEG_DIR 它指定了 FFMPEG 的位置,在这一模式下会去链接预编译的库,通过 rustc-link-search instruction添加预编译库文件夹到库索引。 Line 687~705 } else if let Some(paths) = try_vcpkg(statik) { // vcpkg doesn't detect the "...