psearching all color schemes with preview Rsearching in registers ropen recent files with the telescope tsearch text in all files in the current CWD gsearch and replace text with ripgrep in current CWD wsearch and replace word under the cursor with ripgrep in current CWD ...
1.1.0 ms-python.anaconda-extension-pack-1.0.1 mooman219.rust-assist-0.2.3 slevesque.vscode-hexdump-1.7.2 coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-1.0.61 bibhasdn.django-snippets-1.1.1 bibhasdn.django-html-1.3.0 octref.vscode-json-transform-0.1.2 xabikos.javascriptsnippets-1.7.2 jithurjacob.nb...