共1条回答2人看过 miss小花a 电脑站就是笔记本电脑代码是targeting.computer,物品ID为1523195708,物品叠加为×64,消失时间为1小时。内置描述:一台具有视频分析和变量计算功能的电脑。 1天前发布 5 没有更多啦~ 腐蚀 Rust热搜排行榜NO.20+ 相关视频 70 进入专区 ...
targeting.computer Type Resources Stacksize 64 Crafting Craftable No Used In x Theis a computer loaded with software that can analyze a video and produce rotational deltas to individual objects contained in the feed. In other words, it is a military-grade computer with programs installed in it...
Targeting Computer Water Wolf Skull Wood Attire 78 A Barrel Costume Arctic Scientist Suit Bandana Mask Baseball Cap Basic Horse Shoes Bone Armor Bone Helmet Boonie Hat Boots Bucket Helmet Bunny Ears Bunny Onesie Burlap Gloves Burlap Headwrap Burlap Shirt Burlap Shoes ...
https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot Documentation updated. Everything up to date below Instead of using the game's default loot tables, Better Loot overrides any watched loot containers to contain your "better loot" as put by the server owner/staff Chat Commands Type /blacklist to retrieve ...
合并新版RUST物品代码 附加蓝图 礼包 建筑类Construction 家具类-Items barricade.concrete混凝土路障 bed床 barricade.metal金属路障 box.wooden木质存储箱 barricade.sandbags沙包街垒 box.wooden.large大木箱 barricade.stone石头路障 campfire营火 barricade.wood木质路障 furnace小熔炉 barricade.woodwire带刺的木质路障lantern...
Rusty CS - A Computer Science Curriculum that helps practice the acquired academic knowledge in Rust stdx - Learn these crates first as an extension to std Tour of Rust - This is meant to be an interactive step by step guide through the features of the Rust programming language. Podcasts ...
How To Make a Computer Station In Rust Build A Rig On Your Island Of Junk The blueprint for building a Computer Station isone of the default plans in the game, which asks you to put together20 High-Quality Metal, 1 Targeting Computer,1 Broadcaster, and1 Receiver. These ingredients can ...
RustDoor is a Mac-targeting malware written in the Rust programming language. This malicious program has been around since at least the autumn of 2023. At the time of writing, three variants of RustDoor have been discovered (with the initial one speculated to be a test version). This progra...
×1-3 Targeting Computer - Resources 25 % ×1-2 RF Pager 100 % Electrical 2 % ×1-2 Heavy Plate Jacket 100 % Attire 2 % ×1-2 Smart Alarm - Electrical 2 % ×1-3 CCTV Camera - Resources 21 % ×1-2 Salvaged Axe 100 % Tool 2 % ×5-15 Metal Pipe - Component 42 % ×1-2...