use regex::Regex; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::process::Command; use sysinfo::System; fn main() { let user = env::var("USER").unwrap_or_else(|_| "unknown".to_string()); let hostname = System::host_name().unwrap(); println!("{user}@{hostname}"...
use winapi::um::sysinfoapi::{GetSystemInfo, SYSTEM_INFO};use std::mem::zeroed;fnmain(){letmutsystem_info: SYSTEM_INFO =unsafe{zeroed()};unsafe{GetSystemInfo(&mut system_info);println!("Number of processors: {}", system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors);println!("Page size: {}", system_inf...
("NB processors: {}",sys.processors().len());// Display processes ID, name na disk usage:for(pid,process)insys.processes(){println!("[{}] {} {:?}",pid,,process.disk_usage());} ReadMore: geoping - shodan开发的多地ping工具 ...
Updated to newer effective-limits crate to reduce "sysinfo not supported" errors pr#2817 Handle -y more robustly in pr#2815 Fix infinite recursion in bash completion when rustc not on PATH pr#2833 Update macOS aarch64 CI to newer xcode pr#2877 Update website to load TTF...
GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo [sysinfo] - Cross-platform library to fetch system information Phate6660/nixinfo [nixinfo] - A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc. sorairolake/sysexits-rs [sysexits] - The system exit codes as defined by <sysexits.h>....
GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo [sysinfo] - Cross-platform library to fetch system information Phate6660/nixinfo [nixinfo] - A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc. sorairolake/sysexits-rs [sysexits] - The system exit codes as defined by <sysexits.h>....
GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo [sysinfo]— Cross-platform library to fetch system information Phate6660/nixinfo [nixinfo]— A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc. sorairolake/sysexits-rs [sysexits]— The system exit codes as defined by <sysexits.h>. ...
( ) global.setinfo( ) global.sleep( ) global.spectate( ) global.spectateid( ) global.status_sv( ) global.subscriptions( ) global.sysinfo( ) global.sysuid( ) global.teleport( ) global.teleport2autheditem( ) global.teleport2death( ) global.teleport2marker( ) global.teleport2me( ) ...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
代码如下: useregex::Regex;usestd::collections::HashMap;usestd::env;usestd::process::Command;usesysinfo::System;fnmain(){letuser=env::var("USER").unwrap_or_else(|_|"unknown".to_string());lethostname=System::host_name().unwrap();println!("{user}@{hostname}");letos_name=System::...