GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo [sysinfo]— Cross-platform library to fetch system information Phate6660/nixinfo [nixinfo]— A lib crate for gathering system info such as cpu, distro, environment, kernel, etc. sorairolake/sysexits-rs [sysexits]— The system exit codes as defined by <sysexits.h>. ...
sysinfo_example system_time_example tarpc_workspace_example task_local_example tcp-echo-server tcp-proxy tcp_client_example tcp_client_example2 tcpstream_workspace_example term_color_example termion_example text_io_example thiserror_example thread_workspace_example tilde_expand_example tokenizers_workspa...
( ) global.setinfo( ) global.sleep( ) global.spectate( ) global.spectateid( ) global.status_sv( ) global.subscriptions( ) global.sysinfo( ) global.sysuid( ) global.teleport( ) global.teleport2autheditem( ) global.teleport2death( ) global.teleport2marker( ) global.teleport2me( ) ...
sysinfo 0.33.0 pretty_assertions 1.4 junction 1.0.0 windows 0.52 src/build_helper/Cargo.toml serde 1 serde_derive 1 src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/test-various/uefi_qemu_test/Cargo.toml r-efi 4.1.0 src/etc/test-float-parse/Cargo.toml indicatif 0.17.8 num 0.4.3 rand 0.8.5 rand_ch...
use winapi::um::sysinfoapi::{GetSystemInfo, SYSTEM_INFO};use std::mem::zeroed;fnmain(){letmutsystem_info: SYSTEM_INFO =unsafe{zeroed()};unsafe{GetSystemInfo(&mut system_info);println!("Number of processors: {}", system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors);println!("Page size: {}", system_...
drrb/java-rust-example - use Rust from Java j4rs - use Java from Rust jni - use Rust from Java jni-sys - Rust definitions corresponding to jni.h rucaja - use Java from Rust Lua jcmoyer/rust-lua53 - Lua 5.3 bindings for Rust lilyball/rust-lua - Safe Rust bindings to Lua 5.1 m...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
For example: -batchmode +server.ip +server.port 28015 +server.tickrate 10 +server.hostname "Your Server Name" +server.identity "your_server_identity" +server.seed 793197 +server.maxplayers 50 +server.worldsize 3000 +server.saveinterval 600 +rcon.ip +rcon.port 28016 +rcon...
drrb/java-rust-example - use Rust from Java j4rs - use Java from Rust jni - use Rust from Java jni-sys - Rust definitions corresponding to jni.h rucaja - use Java from Rust Lua jcmoyer/rust-lua53 - Lua 5.3 bindings for Rust lilyball/rust-lua - Safe Rust bindings to Lua 5.1 m...