“1人开发、Steam好评97%,这款“超简化”RTS塔防游戏赢得满堂彩!由GrizzlyGames 工作室发布的独立游戏《Thronefall》,自2023年8月2日抢先体验版上线Steam后,游戏最高在线人数曾一度达到6723,近期同时在线人数依然维持在3000以上。游戏发布至今已有八千多条玩家评测,其中高达97%为好评,足以见得玩家对《Thronefall》的高...
Tokiotokio.rs/tokio/tutorial 熟悉Rust toolchain,并用 serde,crossbeam,tokio,rust-future 等实现一个 key-value store。 pingcap/talent-plangithub.com/pingcap/talent-plan/tree/master/courses/rust MIT 6.824 labs Rust version:通过实现 raft-kv 学习 Raft consensus algorithm 与Percolator transaction m...
You've probably seen bits about Ice Sculptures floating about on YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit, and maybe you've even had a quick play with it on the Staging Branch, and we were really looking forward to releasing it in time for Christmas, however, we've decided to postpone the release ...
Rust Website Rust Facebook Page Rust Twitter Page Rust Updates Twitter Rust on Facepunch Forums Rust on Steam Community Forums Useful Pages Rust Reddit Rustafied OxideMod Play Rust HQ Rust:IO Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Explore...
Disable the “Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game” option. Disabling the Steam Overlay Click theOKbutton. If you use theNVIDIA GeForce Experience Overlay,you can disable it by following these steps: Press Windows Key, typeGeForce Experience,and press enter. ...
libreddit - An alternative private front-end to Reddit MASQ-Project/Node - MASQ Node software provides a decentralized mesh-network of nodes for global users to access normal internet content - next evolution of tech beyond Tor & VPN Plume-org/Plume - ActivityPub federating blogging application ...
这里我们稍微岔开话题,再聊聊 Unity。无论其授权、高管层或者商业模式发生了怎样的变动,我们都必须承认 Unity 就是推动独立游戏取得成功的主要驱力之一。从 SteamDB 图表来看,Steam 平台上目前有近 4.4 万款 Unity 游戏;排名第二的是虚拟引擎,有 1.2 万个;其他引擎则远远落后。
Podcasts New Rustacean— A podcast about learning Rust Rusty Spike— news on all things Rust RustCamp 2015 Talks Rust Design Patterns Rust Guidelines RustBooks— list of RustBooks Rust Subreddit— A subreddit(forum) where rust related questions, articles and resources are posted and discussed开...
Rusty Spike— news on all things Rust RustCamp 2015 Talks Rust Design Patterns Rust Guidelines RustBooks— list of RustBooks Rust Subreddit— A subreddit(forum) where rust related questions, articles and resources are posted and discussed 开源协议 License 代码贡献者(按时间顺序) rustdesk Apache...
熟悉Rust toolchain,并用 serde,crossbeam,tokio,rust-future 等实现一个 key-value store。 MIT 6.824 labs Rust version:通过实现 raft-kv 学习 Raft consensus algorithm 与Percolator transaction model 等分布式相关的概念。 写一个操作系统,可以参考 thu rCore 的教程以及 phil-opp 的博客。 Implement TCP, po...