;letmutrows = sqlx::query_as::< _, User >("SELECT id, name FROM users") .fetch_all(&mutconn) .await?;forrowinrows.iter() {println!("{:?}", row); }Ok(()) } 插入数据 使用SQLx插入数据时,可以使用execute()方法或execute_with()方法。 使用execute()方法 使用execute()方法插入数据时...
use sqlx::Row; let row: (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT $1") .bind(150_i64) .fetch_one(&pool).await?; assert_eq!(row.0, 150); 4.3 使用查询宏 let countries = sqlx::query!( "SELECT id, name FROM countries WHERE continent = $1", "Europe" ) .fetch_all(&pool) .await...
fselect - Find files with SQL-like queries gitui - Blazing fast terminal client for git. GQL - A SQL like query language to run on .git files. httm - Interactive, file-level Time Machine-like tool for ZFS/btrfs/nilfs2 (and even actual Time Machine backups!) j0ru/kickoff - Fast ...
use super::errors::MyError; use super::models::*; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use sqlx::postgres::PgPool; pub async fn get_courses_for_teacher_db( pool: &PgPool, teacher_id: i32, ) -> Result<Vec<Course>, MyError> { let rows = sqlx::query!( r#"SELECT id, teacher_id, name, ...
Built with ️ byThe LaunchBadge team SQLx is an async, pure Rust†SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Truly Asynchronous. Built from the ground-up using async/await for maximum concurrency. Type-safe SQL(if you want it) without DSLs. Use thequery!()macro...
SQLx supports all operations with both types of queries. In SQLx, a &str is treated as an unprepared query, and a Query or QueryAs struct is treated as a prepared query. // low-level, Executor trait conn.execute("BEGIN").await?; // unprepared, simple query conn.execute(sqlx::query(...
sqlx = "0.6.2" sea-orm = { version = "0.10.6", features = [ "sqlx-mysql", "runtime-async-std-native-tls", "macros" ] } 代码 use sea_orm::ConnectionTrait; use sea_orm::DbBackend; use sea_orm::SqlxMySqlConnector; use sea_orm::{FromQueryResult, Statement as sea_statment}; ...
fselect - Find files with SQL-like queries gitui - Blazing fast terminal client for git. GQL - A SQL like query language to run on .git files. httm - Interactive, file-level Time Machine-like tool for ZFS/btrfs/nilfs2 (and even actual Time Machine backups!) j0ru/kickoff - Fast ...
.connect_with(sqlx_opts) .await.unwrap();letmutrows= sqlx::query("select * from sample").fetch(&pool);whileletSome(row) = rows.try_next().await.unwrap() {println!("row is {:?}", row); } } SeaORM SeaORM是在 sqlx 之上构建的 orm 框架。
sqlx::query_as::<Postgres,Good>("SELECT id, name, description, price FROM goods") .fetch_all(&mut *db) .await .unwrap() } } impl<'r>FromRow<'r,PgRow>for Good { fn from_row(row: &'r PgRow) -> Result<Self,Error>{