split_last_mut():返回一个数组的最后一个可变引用。 let mut arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];let (last, rest) = arr.split_last_mut().unwrap();*last = 0;assert_eq!(arr, [1, 2, 3, 4, 0]); chunks():返回一个可迭代的切片集合,每个切片包含指定大小的元素。 let arr = [1, 2, 3, ...
To use documents of larger length, you often have to split your text into chunks to fit within this context size. This crate provides methods for splitting longer pieces of text into smaller chunks, aiming to maximize a desired chunk size, but still splitting at semantically sensible boundaries...
[ "Alice".to_string(), "Bob".to_string(), "Carol".to_string(), ]; thread::scope(|s| { for person in &people { s.spawn(move |_| { println!("Hello, {}!", person); }); } }).unwrap(); If a variable is borrowed by a thread, the thread must complete before the ...
在堆上一次性分配所需的空间,有助于减少内存碎片lets:Box<str> ="hello".to_string().into_boxed_str();Box<str> 可以轻易地转换为其他类型使用(例如 &str,Box<dynDisplay>),在进行特定类型操作时更方便。lets:Box<str> ="hello".to_string().into_boxed_str();letdisplay:Box<dynDisplay> = sasBox<...
usestd::{io,thread};fnprocess_files(filenames:Vec<String>)->io::Result<()>{println!("{:?}",filenames);Ok(())}fnprocess_files_in_parallel(filenames:Vec<String>)->io::Result<()>{// 分块大小letchunk_size=2;// 分块并创建新变量letworklists:Vec<Vec<String>>=filenames.chunks(...
.into()); } let mut bits = vec![false; nb_bytes_for_bits * 8]; for chunk in bits.chunks_mut(8) {4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions 4 bitcoin/src/psbt/raw.rs Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
fn split_at_mut (usize) -> (&mut [T], &mut [T]) fn split_first_mut () -> Option<(&mut T, &mut [T])> fn split_last_mut () -> Option<(&mut T, &mut [T])> Chunks fn chunks_mut (usize) -> Iterator<Item = &mut [T]> ...
let text = " ponies \n giraffes\niguanas \nsquid".to_string(); let v: Vec<&str> = text.lines() .map(str::trim) // 先调用适配器map .filter(|s| *s != "iguanas") // 再调用适配器filter .collect(); assert_eq!(v, ["ponies", "giraffes", "iguanas", "squid"]); ...
.split_into_parts(); if !diagnostics.is_empty() { self.compilation.push_batch_diagnostic(diagnostics); } self.compilation.used_symbol_ref = analyze_result.used_symbol_ref; self.compilation.bailout_module_identifiers = analyze_result.bail_out_module_identifiers; ...
On disk, the file will then need to be split to smaller chunks which makes access much less efficient (thanks wongarsu for the correction). The solution for the disk drive is to "defrag" (de-fragment) the drive in order to re-arrange those open blocks co continuous spaces....