Rust Discord has many active members and one of the sections is for beginners. Rust Users Forum 是关于Rust编程语言的帮助、讨论和公告。 Stackoverflow有超过16000个问题。Shepmaster是世界上第一家Rust咨询公司的联合创始人,他回答了许多Rust 问题。 Reddit’s “The Rust Programming Language” 拥有10万5千...
Seventeen years later, Rust has become one of the hottest new languages on the planet—maybethehottest. There are 2.8 million coders writing in Rust, and companies from Microsoft to Amazon regard it as key to their future. The chat platform Discord used Rust to speed up its system, Dr...
serenity-rs/serenity [serenity] - A library for the Discord API softprops/openapi - A library for processing openapi spec files svix/svix-webhooks [svix] - A library for sending webhooks and verifying signatures. tbot [tbot] - Make cool Telegram bots easily teloxide/teloxide - An elegan...
If you want to contribute, please readthis.
Discord chat server for the Tokio ecosystem and its community:; Discord chat server for the Rust community in general (has a great channel for beginners to find help, and in a very fast manner):; zulip chat server for...
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Discord 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 抢先体验游戏 立刻获取体验权限然后开始游戏,并随着游戏的发展参与其中。 注意:该抢先体验的游戏内容尚不完整且也许会发生变化。如果您目前不是特别想玩这款游戏,那么您应该等待一段时间来观察游戏的开发进度。了解更多 ...
GhostCap Gaming Discord: 2. The UKN.ggmodded Rust serveris one of the best ones to use for training and practice before going on a hardcore raid with your friends, or just trying out different modes like Sandbox!
For the local tools,rustupensures they are upgraded as a group, so I don't have to worry about managing them. I periodically runrustup updateto ensure my Rusttoolboxis up-to-date and that's all I have to do. Contrast with say Node.js,Python, and Ruby, where the package manager is...