server.logoimage“URL链接即为你的图片地址” 这里等待服务器加载更新出来就行了 方法三:在rustadmin里操作通过管理员指令添加,首先通过服务端运行窗口输入指令将你的steam账户设置成管理员 owner xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 进入游戏按F1调用出服务器管理面板左上角点击server在convars选择栏找到server.headerimage和server.logeim...
+server.logoimage <url> It must be a direct URL link that leads to your .png / .jpg file. For example,"" Icon Preferences Recommended image size for a custom icon is 256x256 px. In Rust+ app and in-game, icon is always displayed in a circle,...
-server.hostname "Server title" ^ -server.description "Server description" ^ -server.url "" ^ -server.headerimage "" ^ -server.logoimage "" ^ -server.identity "MyServerName" ^ -rcon.i...
服务器链接:+server.url "" ^,在双引号中间写入网址,服务器介绍界面会增加“查看页面”按钮,玩家点击时会打开浏览器并访问设置的链接。 提示:这里可以写入企鹅qun一键加群链接,玩家点击时就会邀请玩家进入企鹅qun。 地图大小:+server.worldsize "4250" ^,其中4250就是地图大小,可选范围是1000到6000,数值越大,地图...
(my_server_identity) server.level Sets the map of the server (Procedural Map) values: Barren, Craggy Island, Hapis, Savas Island server.seed Sets the the map generation seed. server.salt Prints the server.salt server.worldsize Changes the map size (3000). values: 1000 - 6000. 3000 ...
size (1.5) nexus.loadingtimeout Time in seconds to keep players in the loading state before going to sleep (900) nexus.logging (True) nexus.mapimagescale Scale of the map to render and upload to the nexus (0.5) nexus.messagelockduration Time in seconds to allow the server to process ...
['players_max']; $s3_img = $parsed_json['image']; if ($s3_img == "") {$s3_img = "img/serverlogo.png";};//Empty path fix if (getimagesize($s3_img) == false) {$s3_img = "img/serverlogo.png";}; $s3_ip = $parsed_json['ip']; $s3_port = $parsed_json['port'];...
By Marco Pacifico I used Figma for a month and I was blown away by its features and how well it works. Working WellDesignProductivity Advanced Project Permissions for design systems November 29, 2017 By Thomas Wright With increasing intensity, design and product teams are mulling over the what’...
+server.headerimag“” +server.logoimage “” (双引号这里填入你的图片地址和logo地址) 如果你是刚刚开始弄得那么这样就可以了,如果你是已经运行过一段时间后才进行修改的那么需要到Rust Server > rustds > server > document > cfg这个路径里serverauto.cfg文件将27行和31行的数值1改为你的图片地址和logo地...