True PVE is a damage control plugin originally intended to improve the default server PVE mode (server.pve = true) for servers who wish to truly be PVE. This plugin can be used to fine-tune PVP behavior as well, enabling a range of damage control configurations to be implemented to custom...
True PVE is a damage control plugin originally intended to improve the default server PVE mode (server.pve = true) for servers who wish to truly be PVE. This plugin can be used to fine-tune PVP behavior as well, enabling a range of damage control configurations to be implemented to custom...
() app.queuelimit Max number of queued messages - set to 0 to disable message processing (100) app.serverid (9e6eb549-17a8-429c-9df3-aa8503591776) app.update Disables updating entirely - emergency use only (True) batching.verbose (0) bradley.enabled (True) bradley.respawndelayminutes (...
+decay.upkeep "True" ^ +decay.upkeep_heal_scale "1" ^ +decay.upkeep_inside_decay_scale "0.1" ^ +decay.upkeep_period_minutes "1440" ^ +rcon.web 1 拷贝脚本到批处理文件中,将批处理文件移动到游戏服务器的根目录执行,即可开启服务器。 server.hostname 后面的内容是服务器的名称 server.seed 86183...
+server.identity "你的服务器数据文件夹名称" ^+rcon.port 28016 ^+squadmanager.squad_disable 0^+rcon.password letmein ^+bradley.enabled "True" ^+bradley.respawndelayminutes "60" ^+bradley.respawndelayvariance "1" ^+heli.lifetimeminutes "15" ^+decay.upkeep "True" ^+decay.upkeep_heal_scale ...
Deployable objects will decay Furnaces, wooden signs, and many other prefabs (usually they have "Deployed" in their name) will decay. If you want to use them as a decoration for your maps but don't want them to disappear, you have to disable decay on your server. ...
(True) chat.serverlog Enable or disable chat logging (True) construct.frameminutes How many minutes before a placed frame gets destroyed (30) craft.instant Enable or disable instant crafting (False) debug.checktriggers Debug triggers (False) decay.tick Larger amount increases the applied decay ...
An automatic connectivity test was added into the Rust server to disable Rust+ on servers that are not configured properly to allow connections to the Rust+ companion server. If a server fails this test, it will automatically disable Rust+ on the server and players will see that in the in-...
+server.identity "你的服务器数据文件夹名称" ^ +rcon.port 28016 ^ +squadmanager.squad_disable 0^ +rcon.password letmein ^ +bradley.enabled "True" ^ +bradley.respawndelayminutes "60" ^ +bradley.respawndelayvariance "1" ^ +heli.lifetimeminutes "15" ^ ...
However, the pool was starting out empty when joining a server, which for example meant some lag could occur the first time you fired a gun. This was causing frame drops in many situations and made the overall performance feel rather terrible. The new system solves this and as a side ...