Short manual on how to program using fish shell's scripting language using lots of useful examples ranging from simple to complex #linux#misc Introduction to creating IntelliJ IDEA plugins Nov 20, 2020 •Nazmul Idris Introduction to creating plugins using JetBrains Plugin SDK covering these topics...
binarly-io/idalib [idalib] - Rust bindings for the IDA SDK, enabling the development of standalone analysis tools using IDA v9.0’s idalib objdiff - A local diffing tool for decompilation projects Scripting [scripting] 3body-lang - The Three Body Language clarkmcc/cel-rust [cel-interpreter...
Duckscript is embedded inside cargo-make so unlike other scripting solutions or commands, duckscript can change cargo-make environment variables from inside the script. In addition you can run cargo-make tasks from within duckscript script. This allows a really powerful two way integration with car...
duckscript— Simple, extendable and embeddable scripting language. fleabitdev/gamelisp— A Lisp-like scripting language for Rust game development gluon-lang/gluon— A small, statically-typed, functional programming language kcl - A constraint-based record & functional language mainly used in ...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
Scripting [scripting] 3body-lang - The Three Body Language duckscript— Simple, extendable and embeddable scripting language. fleabitdev/gamelisp— A Lisp-like scripting language for game development gluon-lang/gluon— A small, statically-typed, functional programming language kcl - A constraint-base...
Game development Geospatial Graphics Graph processing GUI Image processing Industrial automation Language specification Logging Macro Markup language Mobile Network programming Parsing Peripherals Platform specific Scripting Template engine Text processing Text search Unsafe Virtualization Web programming Registries Resou...
去年我写了 2021 年 Rust 生态版图调研报告 | 星辰大海(上)[1] 和 (下)[2] ,大家能看到 Rust 在各个行业领域中开始暂露头角。2022 年,在政治动荡、经济下行和疫情肆虐的世界大环境下,Rust 却迎来了高质量的发展。2022 年,我愿称之为 Rust 发展元年。
Piston also uses a dynamic scripting language calledDyon, which was specifically created for game engines and designed to work with Rust. People with no programming experience will find it easy to pick up and use. Make sure you check out thisPiston repositoryto review some helpful examples and ...
Rapid prototyping with RON files for prefabs and an abstract scripting API. Strong focus on encouraging reusability and clean interfaces. Why Amethyst? Extreme Multithreading Amethyst is based over a very powerful parallel ECS called Specs. This allows games built with Amethyst to maximize the availabl...