If the name didn’t tip you off, Admin Radar allows admins with proper permissions to see anything they choose. AR provides a convenient, in-game overlay display showing other players’ current health, distance from the admin, or any other entity type designated. The plugin conveniently wraps ...
Entity Groups Entity Groups are containers that, not surprisingly, define a group of entities. The group name is used as a reference in Rules, and the members and exclusions define which entities are within the group. Entity Groups are shared between all RuleSets, so you don't need to creat...
ArcheType也并不是完全Free的解决方案,把数据按照Component组合的方式管理的结果就是ECS开发中常用的Add/Remove Component操作就会变得比较昂贵,当对一个Entity进行了添加组件的操作之后,他的Archetype自然也产生了改变,必须把之前的数据Copy到内存中的另一个地方。 ArcheType只是解决了ECS开发中的Component组合问题,实际上游...
全局性:调用 panic::set_hook 会设置一个全局的钩子,无论程序中哪里发生恐慌,这个钩子都会被调用。一旦设置,全局范围内的所有恐慌都会触发这个钩子。 唯一性:你只能设置一个全局的钩子。如果你多次调用 panic::set_hook,后一次的钩子会覆盖前一次的钩子。 全面性:它并不区分恐慌的类型或来源,只要有恐慌发生,钩子...
TeaEntityLab/fpRust - Monad/MonadIO, Handler, Coroutine/doNotation, Functional Programming features for Rust tokio-rs/tokio - A runtime for writing reliable, asynchronous, and slim applications with the Rust programming language. tqwewe/kameo - Fault-tolerant Async Actors Built on Tokio Xudong-Hua...
Added new IoEntity.infiniteIoPower convar to power everything on a server • Can now pick up and shred player purchasable helicopters in the Junkyard • Added Built-In Server Profiler • Added "invis" admin command that makes the admin invisible to players and NPCs ...
removemoderator [steamid64]Remove moderator permissions for a player. unban [steamID64]Unban a player from the server. entity.deleteby [steamID64] [steamID64] […]Removes all placed materials by a specific user or users. teleport [username] [username]Instantly transport to another player. ...
command -v rg >/dev/null 2>&1 || cargo install ripgrep # FIXME(rust-lang/rust#122196) fix stage0 rmake.rs run-make tests and remove # this workaround for test in $(ls tests/run-make); do if [[ -e "tests/run-make/$test/rmake.rs" ]]; then rm -r "tests/run-make/$test...
reader_command_receiver1) = mio_extras::channel::sync_channel::<ReaderCommand>(100); let topic_cache = dp.dds_cache() .write() .unwrap() .add_new_topic(topic.name(), topic.get_type(), &topic.qos()); let reader1_ing = ReaderIngredients { guid: GUID::dummy_test_gui...
I updated the network group system this month to add support for vertical layers. So now, instead of a just a single two dimensional grid, it essentially stacks multiple two dimensional grids on top of each other and uses entity's altitude to figure out which layer it belongs on. ...