let cmd_line=std::env::args(); println!("No of elements in arguments is :{}",cmd_line.len()); //通过的元素总数 let mut sum=0; let mut has_read_first_arg=false; //遍历所有参数并计算它们的总和 for arg in cmd_line { if has_read_first_arg { //跳过第一个参数,因为它是 exe ...
let args = Cli::parse(); let content = std::fs::read_to_string(&args.path) .with_context(|| format!("无法读取文件`{}`", args.path.display()))?; find_matches(&content, &args.pattern, &mut std::io::stdout()); Ok(()) } fn find_matches(content: &str, pattern: &str, mut...
let args = Cli::parse(); let content = std::fs::read_to_string(&args.path) .with_context(|| format!("无法读取文件`{}`", args.path.display()))?; find_matches(&content, &args.pattern, &mut std::io::stdout()); Ok(()) } fn find_matches(content: &str, pattern: &str, mut...
BufRead,Write};use std::path::PathBuf;use std::thread;use std::time::Duration;#[derive(Parser)]struct Cli{/// 要查找的模式pattern:String,/// 要读取的文件的路径path:PathBuf,}fnmain()->Result<()>{letargs=Cli::parse();// 打开文件并创建一个 BufReader...
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] // Read from `Cargo.toml` struct Cli { #[arg(long)] two: String, #[arg(long)] one: String, } fn main() { let cli = Cli::parse(); println!("two: {:?}", cli.two); ...
whitfin/bytelines [bytelines] - Read input lines as byte slices for high efficiency. whitfin/runiq - an efficient way to filter duplicate lines from unsorted input. xsv - A fast CSV command line tool (slicing, indexing, selecting, searching, sampling, etc.) Utilities 1History - Command ...
args: 存储传递给子进程命令的参数的列表。 stdin: 存储子进程的标准输入。 stdout: 存储子进程的标准输出。 stderr: 存储子进程的标准错误输出。 from_command: 一个关联函数,用于通过传递命令和参数来创建 CredentialProcessCredential 的实例。 read_to_end: 一个关联函数,用于读取子进程的标准输出。
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] // Read from `Cargo.toml` struct Cli { #[arg(long)] two: String, #[arg(long)] one: String, } fnmain() { letcli = Cli::parse(); println!("two: {:?}", cli.two); ...
about("This the intro of the cli application") // Application args .arg(arg!([NAME]).help("Specify your name")) .arg( Arg::new("age").short('a').long("age").value_parser(value_parser!(u8)) ) .get_matches(); // Read and parse command args if let Some(name) = matches....
use anyhow::{Context, Result};use clap::Parser;use std::path::PathBuf;#[derive(Parser)]struct Cli {/// 要查找的模式pattern: String,/// 要读取的文件的路径path: PathBuf,}fn main() -> Result<()> {let args = Cli::parse();let content = std::fs::read_to_string(&args.path).with...