在Rust Cargo的源代码中,cargo/src/cargo/core/compiler/job_queue/mod.rs文件的作用是定义了一个用于管理编译任务队列的模块和相关的结构体与枚举。 JobQueue<'cfg>:这个结构体代表了一个编译任务队列,它包含了所有待处理的编译任务,以及一些与任务处理相关的状态和方法。 DrainState<'cfg>:这个结构体表示了任务...
SegQueue 是一个无锁 (lock-free) 的多生产者多消费者队列。它是非阻塞 (non-blocking) 的,这意味着它在操作时不会使用传统的锁 (Mutex 或类似机制) 来控制并发访问。这种设计使得 SegQueue 能够在高度并发的环境中表现出色。 usecrossbeam_queue::SegQueue;usestd::sync::Arc;usestd::thread;fnmain() {l...
let skip = is_uninhabited && !is_visible; so that a pattern like Pin { .. } isn't linted as unreachable.Member Author compiler-errors commented Dec 6, 2024 On second thought, we should also ignore unstable fields here: Good point. Are there any other structs in std that could be ...
Make skip_whitespace do a single pass (with bytes) #137275 commented on Mar 18, 2025 • 0 new comments Allow comparisons between `CStr`, `CString`, and `Cow<CStr>`. #137268 commented on Mar 22, 2025 • 0 new comments cg_llvm: Reduce the visibility of types, modules and usi...
Rust 的VecDeque采取的是ring buffer的方式来实现的。我们首先看看它的结构: /// A double-ended queue implemented with a growable ring buffer. /// /// The "default" usage of this type as a queue is to use [`push_back`] to add to ...
在Rust Cargo的源代码中,cargo/src/cargo/core/compiler/job_queue/mod.rs文件的作用是定义了一个用于管理编译任务队列的模块和相关的结构体与枚举。 JobQueue<'cfg>:这个结构体代表了一个编译任务队列,它包含了所有待处理的编译任务,以及一些与任务处理相关的状态和方法。 DrainState<'cfg>:这个结构体表示了任务...
be able to add messages or futures to a queue. We can send multiple messages or futures and they will be performed in the order that we call the functions, with futures being scheduled after the model update. Since we want to fetch our tasks, we create a future using the Requests struct...
global.removeskipqueue( ) Removes skip queue permission from a SteamID global.say( ) Sends a message in chat global.serverinfo( ) Get a list of information about the server global.skin_radius( ) skin_radius 'skin' 'radius' global.skipqueue( ) global.skipqueueid( ) Adds skip queue permis...
crossbeam-queue-0.3.10 crossbeam-utils-0.8.18 克隆/下载 克隆/下载 HTTPSSSHSVNSVN+SSH下载ZIP 该操作需登录 Gitee 帐号,请先登录后再操作。 立即登录没有帐号,去注册 提示 下载代码请复制以下命令到终端执行 为确保你提交的代码身份被 Gitee 正确识别,请执行以下命令完成配置 ...
one library crate and our frontend into a separate crate. Any shared structs that we define will be in the root crate. First, create a new crate as a subdirectory under our existing project directory: $ cargo new --lib frontend Then we need to move our existing code into a new crate:...