let system_prompt = String::from("<<SYS>>You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as short as possible, while being safe. <</SYS>>"); let mut saved_prompt = String::new(); loop { println!("Question:"); let input = read_input(); if saved_prompt == "...
pub struct Input<'a, T> { prompt: String, default: Option<T>, show_default: bool, initial_text: Option<String>, theme: &'a dyn Theme, permit_empty: bool, validator: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(&T) -> Option<String> + 'a>>, #[cfg(feature = "history")] history: Option<&'a mut ...
接下来我们就来打造 prompt。 为了确保 GPT-4 可以完整地理解设计的“魔法”,应该采取「整体到细节」的步骤逐步来“喂”它。 一、设定主指令 代码语言:javascript 复制 请你化身为 Rust 专家,来按我的要求帮我生成 Rust 题目,题目默认包括一道选择题和一道编写代码实现的题。默认以中文输出,除非指定了相应的二级...
struct AnotherI32Printer<'a> { prompt: &'a str, } impl I32Printer for SimpleI32Printer { fn print(&self, value: i32) { println!("{}", value); } } impl I32Printer for AnotherI32Printer<'_> { fn print(&self, value: i32) { println!("{}: {}", self.prompt, value); } } 1...
CI: force install wasm-pack so that it doesn't prompt for input Oct 10, 2018 Cargo.toml Remove wee_alloc due to deprecation Mar 23, 2023 LICENSE_APACHE Adds additional information (from create-wasm-app) about the licenses. Aug 17, 2021 ...
structManagerOfThingInfo{manager_name_ident:Ident,manager_ty:Type,thing_ty:Type,}/// [Parse docs](https://docs.rs/syn/latest/syn/parse/index.html)implParseforManagerOfThingInfo{fnparse(input:ParseStream)->Result<Self>{letmanager_ty:Type=input.parse()?;input.parse::<Token![for]>()?;let...
Prompt hashmismatch/terminal_cli.rs [terminal_cli] - build an interactive command prompt mikaelmello/inquire [inquire] - A library for building interactive prompts on terminals. starship/starship [starship] - A minimal, blazing fast, and extremely customizable prompt for any shell ynqa/promkit...
Prabhu Eshwarla has been shipping high-quality, business-critical software to large enterprises and running IT operations for over 25 years. He is also a passionate teacher of complex technologies. Prabhu has worked with Hewlett Packard and has deep experience in software engineering, engineering mana...
enumColor{Red,Green,Blue,LightGoldenRodYellow}fncolor_me(input:&str,color:Color){/* ... */}fnmain(){color_me("surprised",Color::Blue);} 全是常量的模块 或者,如果你想表达更复杂的值的话,则可以定义一个新的struct,然后定义一堆公共常量。然后把这些常量放到模块中,用户就可以使用与enum类似的语法...
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