you can specify a custom label on aViewvia the.set_custom_data_label(label: String)method. Check out theChart Compositionsection example of scatter plot with two datasets.
mazznoer/colorgrad-rs [colorgrad]— Rust color scales library for data visualization, charts, games, maps, generative art and others. milliams/plotlib— plotters— rerun— [rerun]— An SDK for logging computer vision and robotics data (tensors, point clouds, etc) paired with a visualizer fo...
plotlib plotlibis a generic data visualisation and plotting library for Rust. It is currently in the very early stages of development. It can currently produce: histograms scatter plots line graphs from data or from function definitions box plots ...
export LIBTORCH=/home/yuanz/downloads/libtorch # 这句话,按照你的路径修改别把这个注释也复制咯 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBTORCH}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 注意:这里额外插一句: 如果后面担心污染你的环境变量。你在终端里面再运行这两行代码,就把上面两个变量删掉了。 但是现在不需要这么做。等这次项目都完...
milliams/plotlib - Data plotting library for Rust plotly - Plotly for Rust plotpy [plotpy] - Rust plotting library using Python (Matplotlib) plotters - rerun - [rerun] - An SDK for logging computer vision and robotics data (tensors, point clouds, etc) paired with a visualizer for explo...
library(reticulate) 安装Rust编译器: 在Windows上,您可以从Rust官网下载并安装Rust编译器。对于macOS和Linux,您可以使用包管理器(如apt、brew或yum)安装Rust编译器。例如,在macOS上,您可以运行以下命令: brew install rust 创建一个Rust项目: 首先,创建一个新的Rust项目目录: ...
The library crate should providedeclarationsfor functions inlibfoo, butnotbindings or higher-level abstractions. 例如,dependencies.python3-sys,需要 link 到原生的 cpython 库 libpython3 。rust-cpython 需要为 libpython3 定义 declaration ,这个在 rust-python 的 python3-sys 子 crate 定义了 ...
Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision— A Rust library for working with Bitcoin SV . cardano-cli— Cardano Command Line Interface (CLI) ChainX— Fully Decentralized Interchain Crypto Asset Management on Polkadot. coinbase-pro-rs— Coinbase pro client in Rust, supports sync/async/websocket ethaddrgen— Custo...
本期的每周一库给大家带来的是一个rust下的webserver库,名字很直观就叫http。 按照一贯的节奏,名叫http的webserver,这个直接吸引到了我,下面列举一些库相关的参考资料: http Github http manpage 在库的Github页面上有简单的介绍,作为rust下的webserver库,http库不同于rust下已经很有名的hyper库,http库更类似于一...
rPlotter 非常方便的在图片中抽提颜色 #devEMF Rstudio不能够直接输出emf格式图片,借助devEMF包可以实现简单用法 library(devEMF) emf("bar.emf") plot(1,1) 或者借助savePlot()函数在原生的Rgui中运行 library(ggplot2) ggplot()+geom_point(aes(x=1,y=1)) savePlot(filename="practice",typ...