Tiles_rs is an open-source project that aims to provide a fast and reliable tile map server implementation using Rust. Built on top of the Actix web framework, this project offers a modern approach to serving map tiles, catering to the needs of developers working on geographic information syst...
Firecracker is also an open source project from Amazon. Written in Rust, Firecracker uses the Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) to create and manage microVMs. Firecracker has a minimalist design which allows for fast (~150ms) microVM start-up time. It also enables secure multi...
Rust is a programming language implemented as a set of open source projects. It combines the performance and resource efficiency of systems programming languages like C with the memory safety of languages like Java. Rust started in 2006 as a personal project of Graydon Hoare before becoming a res...
rust-vmm is an open-source project that empowers the community to build custom Virtual Machine Monitors (VMMs) and hypervisors. It provides a set of virtualization components that any project can use to quickly develop virtualization solutions while focusing on the key differentiators of their produc...
首先提供数据的具体出处:The Mozilla Firefox Open Source Project on Open Hub: Languages Page以及...
打开https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/,选择x86_64-win32-seh,大约50来M,比起Visual Studio 接近10G的文件,简直好多了。 下载好后,解压到任意一个目录,然后右键“此电脑”–>属性–>高级系统设置–>环境变量 选择变量path,点击编辑,出现编辑环境变量窗口后,点击新建,把上述的mingw64目录填写进...
代码仓库:watchexec/cargo-watch: Watches over your Cargo project's source. (github.com) Framework Rust 开发的框架。 GUI Tauri Tauri 是一个为所有主要桌面平台构建微小、速度极快的二进制文件的框架。开发人员可以集成任何编译为 HTML、JS 和 CSS 的前端框架,以构建其用户界面。应用程序的后端是一个 Rust ...
Android Open Source Project(AOSP)去年 9 月开始接受 RISC-V 补丁,目前进入到了成熟支持阶段(mature support)。RISC-V 是一个模块化指令集架构,有大量的可选扩展,为确保 Android 应用能在 RISC-V 处理器上获得高性能,它需要挑选出一个初始集,目前该初始集包含了 rva22 以及向量和向量加密扩展。AOSP 对 RISC...
Interested in contributing to the open source LLVM project? This article walks you through the process. Article Build trust in continuous integration for your Rust library Gris Ge September 6, 2022 A demo of how to build trust into a continuous integration system for your Rust library. (Part ...
If you're the maintainer of anopentelemetryecosystem crate not listed above, please let us know! We'd love to add your project to the list! Supported Rust Versions OpenTelemetry is built against the latest stable release. The minimum supported version is 1.49. The current OpenTelemetry version ...